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AD-1. Birmingham, AL, 1910, G Colum. (lite tone; edge tear T)
Metropolitan Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-2. Birmingham, AL, 1922, G+ Univ. (trim L) "The Tutwiler" (hotel) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-3. Birmingham, AL, 1930, F Univ.; Tutwiler Hotel on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-4. Birmingham, AL, 1950, G+ Univ.; Bankhead Hotel
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-5. Mobile, AL, 1943, G+ duplex; Hotel Bienville on
air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-6. Phoenix, AZ, 1939, G+ Univ. (upper R tip slit) State Hotel
ad header w/shiny silver border on air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-7. Phoenix, AZ, 1940, VF Univ. (bit lite tone) Jefferson Hotel cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-8. Tucson, AZ, 1962, G+ Univ.; Palo Verde Apartments
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-9. Helena, AR, 1933, G duplex (state not struck) Hotel Nicholas on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-10. Hot Springs, AR, 1908, G Amer/B14 (trim R, in stamp; lite
tone) Hotel Pullman/Gem of the Valley on cvr w/matching
illus.letterhead enc. E $20 MIN.10
AD-11. Hot Springs Nat'l Park, AR, 1925, G+ Int'l (lite tone)
Majestic Hotel & Bath House on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-12. Hot Springs Nat'l Park, AR, 1931, G+ Int'l (ltie tone)
Hotel Como logo ad cc; RED Nat'l Park text ad at B; illus.hotel
on back on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-13. Hot Springs Nat'l Park, AR, 1931, VG Int'l (lite tone)
Majestic Hotel/Bath House/Annex fancy ad cc on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-14. Hot Springs Nat'l Park, AR, 1940, G+ Int'l (gum toned)
Majestic Hotel/Apartments & Baths (hotel); overall
back ad w/5 photo illus.(golf; boating; etc.) on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-15. Hot Springs Nat'l Park, AR, 1951, G+ Int'l; Romer Hotel
Court cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-16. Hot Springs Nat'l Park, AR, 1951, G+ Int'l; Hotel Como
logo ad cc; Nat'l Park text ad at B; illus.hotel on back on cvr.
E $20 MIN.10
AD-17. (Jonesboro), AR, 1901, canxed Kas City & Memphis RPO
G+ CDS/cork; Warner House (hotel) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-18. Jonesboro, AR, 1936, VG+ Univ. (ruff R) Hotel Noble
on cvr w/illus.letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-19. Little Rock, AR, 1905, G+ Amer/B14 (tears T) Metropolitan
Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-20. Little Rock, AR, 1933, F Univ. (trim L; lite tone) Hotel
LaFayette fancy ad cc on cvr w/illus.letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-21. Little Rock, AR, 1934, VG Univ. (lite tone) Southwest Hotels
illus ad.(4 hotels, inc.The Marion) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-22. Paragould, AR, 1947, G+ Int'l; Hotel Vandervoort
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-23. Texarkana, AR, 1929, VG+ duplex; Hotel Grim cc;
5c air Sc.C11 on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-24. Carmel, CA, 1914, G duplex (trim L) Pine Inn (tree
silhouette) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-25. Los Angeles, CA, 1904, G+ Int'l (lite tone) Carson's Antique
& Curio Bazaar ad header; boy w/sombrero; LARGE GUN in belt;
1c Sc.300 on cvr. E $30 MIN.15
AD-26. Los Angeles, CA, 1922, VG Univ.; New Hotel Rosslyn fancy
ad cc; on back on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-27. Los Angeles, CA, 1935, VG Univ. (lite tone) Hotel Hayward on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-28. Los Angeles/Arcade Anx, CA, 1929, G+ Univ. (lite tone)
New Hotel Rosslyn & Annex fancy ad cc; illus.back ad on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-29. Los Angeles/Arcade Anx, CA, 1931, VG+ duplex (lite tone)
Washington Hotel (crossing the Delaware) 5c globe air
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-30. Los Angeles/Arcade Anx, CA, 1936, G+ Univ. & duplex;
Garden of Allah, Hollywood, on air cvr to England. E
$15 MIN.8
AD-31. Los Angeles/Arcade Anx, CA, 1936, G+ Univ. (uneven lite
tone) Hotel Cecil on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-32. Los Angeles/Arcade Anx, CA, 1936, G+ Univ. & duplex
(part ruff slit T) New Rosslyn Hotels (2 hotels) on air
cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-33. Los Angeles/Arcade Anx, CA, 1938, F Univ.; Baltimore Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-34. Mount Hamilton, CA, 1921, G+ 4-bar; Lick Observatory, Univ.of (90-63) on FRONT ONLY. E $15 MIN.8
AD-35. Mount Hamilton, CA, 1926, G+ 4-bar; Lick Observatory, Univ.of (90-63) on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-36. Sacramento, CA, 1932, G+ DCDS as origin b/s; Fairmont Hotel
cc; on reg'd cvr w/Japanese writing at L. E $15 MIN.8
AD-37. San Diego, CA, 1959, F Univ.; New Palace Hotel
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-38. San Francisco, CA, 1860s, VG CDS/cork (neatly rebuilt notch
T) Howland, Angell & King Machinery of Every Description Made
to Order fancy ad cc; illus.machine; 3c Sc.65 on cvr w/ms "pr
Steamer" instruction at T. E $100 MIN.50
AD-39. San Francisco, CA, 1870s, partial CDS/cork (trim R, well
into 3c stamp portrait; bit lite tone) Russ House cc; overall
illus.back ad (hotel) on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-40. San Francisco, CA, 1898, VG Barry (edge tears; no flap)
Bancroft-Whitney Law Publishers cc & text ad; 1c green on
cvr w/3 encs.(ad flyer & order forms). E $12 MIN.6
AD-41. San Francisco, CA, 1911, VF SF15-09-08 PPIE slogan (tear
T, in stamp) Whittier, Coburn; Argo Oil overall ad w/small
illus.can on back; 2c imperf coil on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-42. San Francisco, CA, 1915, G+ SF15-09-02A PPIE slogan; SF15-09-03B
inverted at B (lite tone) John Hoey & w/illus."cutaway"
mattress; 2c Expo on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-43. San Francisco, CA, 1925, VG Int'l; Hotel Stewart illus.logo
ad cc; 2c Huguenot on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-44. San Francisco, CA, 1932, F Int'l (ruff R, in under 1 stamp)
Wm.Taylor Hotel cc; 1c +2c on cvr w/red & blue stripes; "Via
Air Mail" penciled thru & successfully sent as regular
mail. E $20 MIN.10
AD-45. San Francisco, CA, 1938, VG Int'l; Hotel Somerton illus.logo
ad cc; 6c globe air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-46. San Jose, CA, 1914, VF SF15-24A PPIE slogan flag (lite
tone; crs) Jas.A.Clayton realtor's text ad at L; LONG vertical
text ad for city on back on PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AD-47. Santa Barbara/Potter Sta., CA, 1905, G+ duplex; "The
Potter" large (hotel & boats) at L; Van Nuys
Hotel, Los Angeles, on back on cvr. E $30 MIN.15
AD-48. Stockton, CA, 1912, G+ PPIE slogan (ruff R; lite tone;
part lite soiled) Henry Armbrust Wines & Brandies
cc on cvr w/matching illus.letterhead enc. E $14
AD-49. Stockton, CA, 1932, G+ Univ. (lite tone) Lincoln Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-50. Ventura, CA, 1950, G+ Int'l; Hotel Ventura (poinsettias)
on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-51. Aspen, CO, 1891, G CDS/cork (town partial; trim R) Aspen
Dispensary cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-52. Berthoud, CO, 1907, G+ duplex; Grand View Hotel cc on cvr.
E $12 MIN.6
AD-53. Buena Vista, CO, 1884, G+ CDS/cork (part ruff trim R; R
flap mostly off) Chaffee County Times cc on cvr w/letterhead ad
enc.("...reliable Mining Journal..."). E $15 MIN.8
AD-54. Colorado Springs, CO, 1901, G+ Barry (lite tone) New Alta
Vista (hotel) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-55. (Colorado Springs), CO, 1902, canxed Chicago, IL, F Int'l
(lite tone; tiny tear T) "The Alamo" hotel fancy ad
cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-56. Crestone, CO, 1904, F+ duplex; San Luis Valley Land &
Mining on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-57. Denver, CO, 1881, G+ CDS/cork (slight trim R) Jensen, Bliss
& Co/Hardware (3-story bldg) on cvr. E $40
AD-58. Denver, CO, [1883], G+ CDS/cork (flap tears, not in ad)
"The Windsor" illus.back ad (hotel; 4 mountain peaks)
on cvr. E $30
AD-59. Denver, CO, 1885, G duplex (ruff R) State Supreme Court
clerk; illus.state seal; overall gray lined background on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-60. Denver, CO, 1890, partial duplex (lite tone; B tips wear)
Lindell Hotel cc on cvr w/matching letterhead enc. E
AD-61. Denver, CO, 1903, G+ Int'l; Knight-Campbell Music
cc w/illus.logo (knight & camel) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-62. Denver, CO, 1905, VG Int'l; Kendrick Book & Stationery
Co./Office Supplies, Mining Maps, etc.(illus.mule) on cvr. E $15
AD-63. Denver, CO, 1905, VF Int'l (upper R crnr slit) Great Council
of Colo.Improved Order of Redmen (Indians & campfire)
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-64. Denver, CO, 1908, F Int'l (lite tone; lower R edge ruff;
L tip nick) "Shirley" cc (hotel & annex)
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-65. Denver, CO, 1908, G Int'l (part ruff trim L, barely in
ad) "Savoy" hotel fancy ad cc on cvr w/matching letterhead
enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-66. (Denver), CO, 1913, canxed Colo.Spgs, G Univ. (tear T;
lite tone) New Savoy Hotel blue on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-67. Denver, CO, 1917, VF Int'l w/Rocky Mtn.Nat'l Park slogan;
Brown Palace Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-68. Denver, CO, 1923, VF Univ.; West-Court (hotel)
2c coil Sc.487 on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-69. Denver, CO, 1933, VG Univ.; Luxor Hotel logo ad cc; 8c
globe air on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-70. Denver, CO, 1951, VG Univ.; Erhard Hotel green
on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-71. Denver/Air Mail, CO, 1931, G+ duplex; Brown Palace Hotel
blue; 5c globe air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-72. Denver/Air Mail, CO, 1934, F duplex; "The Albany"
hotel fancy ad cc; "Home of KFEL Studios" at B; 6c globe
air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-73. Durango, CO, 1882, partial CDS/cork; Grand Central Hotel
cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-74. Eads, CO, 1920, G+ duplex; H.R.Sunday's Garage/Ford Authorized
Sales/Service cc w/illus.logo on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-75. Granite, CO, 1899, G+ CDS/target (near VG+) Twinlakes Reservoice cc (lake) w/"Pueblo" return add.lined thru
& corrected (68-66) on cvr w/matching illus.letterhead enc.
E $24 MIN.12
AD-76. Gunnison, CO, 1932, VG duplex; LaVeta Hotel (hotel
& log cabin) on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-77. Home, CO, 1929, G+ 4-bar; Zimmerman's Summer Resort Hotel
cc w/photo illus.wooden bridge (82-46) on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-78. Montclair, CO, 1908, G+ Doane 2/5; Agnes Memorial Sanatorium
cc (88-12) on PSE. E $20 MIN.10
AD-79. Nunn, CO, 1917, G duplex (lite) Nunn Commercial Club cc;
"Keep Your (Eye) on Nunn" at lower L w/illus.eyball
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-80. Wheat Ridge, CO, 1938, G+ duplex (part ruff L, just in
illus.) Evangelical Lutheran Sanitarium photo (bldgs)
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-81. Bridgeport, CT, 1902, F Int'l; Atlantic Hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-82. Hartford, CT, 1940, VG Univ.; "The Garde" hotel
fancy cc; text ad on back on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-83. Mystic, CT, 1901, F duplex (lite tone; trim R) Hoxie House
cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-84. New Haven, CT, 1891, partial duplex (lite tone; trim R)
Arlington House cc on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-85. New London/Trans.Clk., CT, 1908, G+ duplex (dial hi: "NDON"
partly off; trim R) New England Collapsible Tube;
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-86. (Wilmington), DE, 1904, canxed N.Y. & Wash/RPO G+ duplex
(ruff L) Wilmington Wine & Liquor House (3 barrels)
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-87. Washington, DC, 1863, G+ DCDS (tears; lite tone) "Panorama
of Washington" header; 3 full-color illus.(Geo.Wash.w/troops;
allegorical figures) 2x bit faulty 3c on #10 cvr. E $150
AD-88. Washington, DC, 1884, G+ duplex (bit lite tone) "The
Arlington" & 2 other hotels combined cc; 2c brown on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-89. Washington, DC, 1893 (Jan 18), G+ Amer (lite tone) National
Hotel ad cc; 2c Colum. on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-90. Washington, DC, 1908, F Int'l (tear L; flap partly off;
lite tone) "The Cairo" hotel on cvr. E $12
AD-91. Washington, DC, 1921, G+ Int'l (tear T; lite tone) "The
Raleigh" hotel cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-92. Washington, DC, 1923, F Int'l (lite tone; edge tears R)
Hotel Harrington; 2c Harding on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-93. Washington, DC, 1924, VG Int'l (lite tone; part ruff slit
R) Hotel Harrington on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-94. Washington, DC, 1933, VG Int'l (lite tone; upper R edge
ruff slit) Hamilton Hotel; 3c Olympics on cvr. E $15
AD-95. Washington, DC, 1933, G+ Int'l (bit lite tone) Hotel Continental on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-96. Washington, DC, 1936, G+ Int'l; Hotel Harris cc on air
cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-97. Washington, DC, 1942, F Int'l (lite tone) Hotel Continental on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-98. Cocoa, FL, 1925, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s (toned) Cocoa
House logo ad cc on reg'd cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-99. Jacksonville, FL, 1892, G duplex (ruff slit T; tears T;
lite tone) Everett Hotel cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-100. Jacksonville, FL, 1897, partial Barry (toned; part ruff
slit T) New Duval Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-101. Jacksonville, FL, 1947, VG Univ. (lite tone) New Hotel
Mayflower on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-102. Jacksonville/Sta.A, FL, 1925, VG Univ. (lite tone) Hotel
Mason on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-103. Lakeland, FL, 1925, G+ Univ. (lite tone; trim L) Hotel
Thelma on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-104. (Live Oak), FL, 1935, canxed partial Jack & Pens/East
RPO duplex (lite tone) Suwannee Hotel on cvr w/matching
letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-105. Miami, FL, 1914, F Colum. (lite tone; cr) Hotel Halcyon
green engraved illus.logo cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-106. Lot 14) Miami, FL, 1923, F-G+ Int'l (lite tone; few faults;
1 w/stamp cut off) Alta Vista Hotel photo on cvrs w/letterhead
encs.(12 are w/matching illus.). MIN.$40
AD-107. Miami, FL, 1923, VF Int'l; Hotel Roberts cc on cvr w/illus.letterhead
enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-108. Miami, FL, 1931, F Int'l (lite tone; trim L) El Comodoro
Hotel; 5c globe air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-109. Miami, FL, 1933, F Int'l (lite gum tone) "The Abnerholm"
illus.logo ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-110. Miami, FL, 1939, VF Int'l (lite tone; ruff slit R) Antilla
Hotel photo on cvr w/large photo illus.letterhead enc.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-111. Ocala, FL, 1947, G+ Univ.; Hotel Marion on air
cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-112. Orlando, FL, 1924, G+ Univ. (nick T) "The Angebilt"
illus.hotel ad on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-113. Palm Beach, FL, 1914, G+ duplex (lite tone) Hotel Palm
Beach cc w/7-line text ad, golf, etc. on cvr. E $15
AD-114. Panama City, FL, 1941, partial Int'l (lite gum tone) Cove
Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-115. Pensacola, FL, 1917, G+ Univ. (lite tone; trim R, just
in back ad) San Carlos Hotel cc; overall back ad w/illus.hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-116. Saint Augustine, FL, [1885], G CDS/cork (lite tone) Hotel
San Marco & 2 other hotels cc on cvr to N.Y.City w/Tilton
"Late Arrival" machine as b/s. E $15 MIN.8
AD-117. Saint Augustine, FL, 1891, partial CDS/cork (trim T, bit
ruff on flap; edge tears T; lite tone) Hotel Cordova;
"Hotel Cordova/Mailed" boxed h/s as private origin b/s
on cvr. E $30
AD-118. Saint Augustine, FL, [1932], G Univ. (gum toned) "The
Buckingham" hotel illus.logo cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-119. Saint Augustine, FL, 1937, G+ Univ.; Hotel Monson photo; 6c globe air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-120. Saint Augustine, FL, 1937, G+ Univ. (lite tone; part ruff
slit T) Hotel Monson photo; 6c globe air on cvr. E $12
AD-121. Saint Petersburg, FL, 1936, F Univ. (lite gum tone) "The
Superior" hotel cc; "Come to St.Petersburg" pink
poster stamp on back on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-122. Saint Petersburg, FL, 1950, F Univ.; Hotel Ponce de Leon
photo on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-123. Saint Petersburg, FL, 1953, G+ 4-bar; Sunset Hotel cc
w/tiny illus.sailboat on air/special del.cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-124. Tampa, FL, 1915, G+ Amer/A14 (upper L edge nibbles, in
header but not back ad; lite tone) "The Hillsboro" fancy
header; overall back ad w/illus.hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-125. Tampa, FL, 1921, G Univ. (toned; bit ruff trim R) "The
Hillsboro" hotel; "I forgot to mention in my
letter... stop at the Hillsboro..." printed script ad on
back on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-126. Tampa, FL, 1928, F Univ.; "The Hillsboro" hotel; "I forgot to mention in my letter... stop at the
Hillsboro..." printed script ad on back on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-127. Winter Park, FL, ca.1897, partial CDS/cork (no flap; lite
tone) "The Seminole" hotel ad cc w/tiny illus.Indian
head on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-128. Albany, GA, 1932, G+ Univ. (trim R) New Albany Hotel
on cvr w/matching letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-129. Albany, GA, 1932, G+ Univ. (upper R tip ruff; bit ruff
slit T) Hotel Gordon on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $12 MIN.6
AD-130. Macon, GA, 1899, partial Amer/B14(); Brown House
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-131. Macon, GA, 1920, G+ Univ. (ruff slit R; tear R) Hotel
Dempsey on cvr w/matching letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-132. Moultrie, GA, 1918, VG+ duplex (lite tone) Hotel Colquitt on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-133. Savannah, GA, [1869], G+ blue CDS/cork (state partial;
trim L; cr; trim L, in ad frame) Estill's News Depot oval ad cc;
3c locomotive on cvr. E $20
AD-134. Tifton, GA, 1932, VG Univ. (bit ruff trim R; nibbles L;
lite tone) Hotel Myon on cvr w/matching letterhead enc.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-135. Waycross, GA, 1933, VG Univ. (trim R) Hotel Mare
on cvr w/matching letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-136. Hilo, HI, 1950, G+ Int'l; Hirose Nurseries cc w/small & produce on air PSE. E $12 MIN.6
AD-137. Honolulu, HI, 1911, VG Amer/H14; Hawaii Promotion Committee
text ad re.floral parade poster sent (separately) to addressee;
on PPC w/prohibited "Postal Card" in header, to Germany.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-138. Boise, ID, 1905, G Doremus (part ruff trim L) "The
Idan-ha" hotel on cvr to Philippines. E $15 MIN.8
AD-139. Gibbonsville, ID, 1890, G CDS/cork (ruff R; edge tears)
Helena & Idaho Gold Mining on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-140. Montpelier, ID, [1912], partial duplex (trim R) Hotel
Burgoyne on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-141. Arlington, IL, [1868], G+ CDS/target (trim R) "The
Evergreens Fruit Farm, LaMoille" boxed ad cc on cvr. E $14
AD-142. Aurora, IL, 1951, VF Int'l (lite gum tone; tear T, in
rim) black Leland Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-143. Bloomington, IL, [1867], partial CDS/cork (trim R) O.M.Colman (grapes) on cvr w/McLean County Nursery letterhead w/illus.woman
& fruit. E $20
AD-144. Bloomington, IL, ca.1869, partial CDS/cork (trim R) J.M.Taylor,
Photographer boxed ad cc; 3c grill on 2.75x5" cvr. E $20
AD-145. Bloomington, IL, [1871], G+ CDS/
killer (bit lite tone) F.K.Phoenix, Bloomington Nursery cc w/text
ad; 1c banknote on 2c PSE (Sc.U78); enc.w/longer text ad in letterhead.
E $24 MIN.12
AD-146. Bloomington, IL, 1888, G+ duplex; J.W.Gray Manufacturing
Confectioner ad cc; text ad on back on cvr w/enc. E $20
AD-147. Bloomington, IL, 1893, G duplex (T arc not struck; trim
R) Nat'l Home Bldg & Loan Ass'n red (bldg) 2c Colum.
on yellow cvr. E $20
AD-148. Bloomington, IL, 1893, G+ duplex (bit trim R) W.J.Bishop,
Sheriff of McLean County (bldg) on cvr. E $20
AD-149. Bloomington, IL, 1910, VF Amer/B14() (trim R) Harber Bros.Co.Farm
Implements, Vehicles cc w/illus.logo on cvr w/letterhead enc.
& 6.25x9.5" illus.Rice Potato Digger by Keystone
Farm Machine Co.; text ad on back. E $24 MIN.12
AD-150. Bloomington, IL, 1910, G+ Amer/B14() (trim R) Harber Bros.Co.Farm
Implements, Vehicles cc w/illus.logo on cvr w/letterhead enc.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-151. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./3, 1902, VG CH-1-c Tr14;
Alwart Bros.Coal & Coke (store front) on cvr. E $20
AD-152. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1903, G+ CH-1-b (dial
bit hi) Tr14; American Cotillon & Carnival Works overall full-color
ad (party crowd & flags) on cvr. E $150
AD-153. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1903, G+ CH-1-b Tr30;
Fritz Hampel Billiard Cues cc; 1c Sc.300 on cvr to local add.
E $20
AD-154. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./3, 1904, VG+ CH-1-c
Tr12; Independent Brewing Assn."Prima" illus.logo (castle);
text ad on back on cvr. E $20
AD-155. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./1, 1904, VF CH-1-a Tr18;
D.A.Matot/Carpenter, Contractor & ICE BOX Builder fancy ad
header on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-156. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1904, VF CH-1-b Tr14;
D.A.Matot/Carpenter, Contractor & ICE BOX Builder fancy ad
header; 2c Jefferson on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-157. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1905, G CH-1-b Tr14;
Thuemling Beer Pump & Plumbing cc; (pump) on cvr.
E $20 MIN.10
AD-158. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1905, G+ CH-1-b (dial
bit hi) Julius Thuemling cc; (coil protector) on cvr.
E $20 MIN.10
AD-159. Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1909, VG+ CH-1-b
Tp2; Thuemling Beer Pump & Plumbing cc; (pump) on
cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-160. Chicago, IL, [1869], partial CDS/cork; Tremont House illus.back
ad (hotel); 3c locomotive on cvr. E $40
AD-161. Chicago, IL, 1880s, G+ duplex; Garden City Hotel cc, w/smaller
letters on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-162. Chicago, IL, 1880s, G+ duplex; Garden City Hotel cc, w/larger
letters on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-163. Chicago, IL, [1881], G duplex (bit ruff trim R) Matteson
House cc on cvr w/illus.hotel letterhead enc. E $20
AD-164. Chicago, IL, [1881], G+ duplex (part ruff trim R, in add.;
stamp partly on ad; tear T) Merchants' Hotel on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-165. Chicago, IL, 1883, G+ Wesson H(1) (trim T & R; no
flap) Grand Pacific Hotel cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-166. Chicago, IL, 1885, F duplex (edge wear; edge tears; lite
tone) Sherman House; pair 2c brown +1c banknote on cvr
to Germany. E $20
AD-167. Chicago, IL, 1888, G+ duplex (part ruff trim L) Gault
House on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-168. Chicago, IL, [1889], G+ duplex (bit ruff trim R) Hotel
Grace on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-169. Chicago, IL, 1889, G duplex; Sherman House small fancy
cc; small illus.hotel on flap on cvr. E $20
AD-170. Chicago, IL, [1890], G duplex (part ruff trim R) Auditorium
Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-171. Chicago, IL, 1893, G+ Int'l (trim R; lite tone) Niagara
Hotel ad cc; 2c Colum. on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-172. Chicago, IL, 1893, G+ Int'l; Auditorium Hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-173. Chicago, IL, 1893, VG Int'l; Hartmann Trunk; large
illus.back ad (factory & train) on 2c Colum.PSE. E $20
AD-174. Chicago, IL, 1895, VG Amer/D-W3-3(5) (bit ruff L; edge
tear T; no flap) Lakeside Hospital fancy ad cc; 1c Frank. on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-175. Chicago, IL, [1896], G+ mute oval (upper R tip ruff) Chicago
Fire Hose; 1c blue on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-176. Chicago, IL, 1898, G+ Amer/B14(1) (trim R, in stamp to
oval; lite tone) McCoy's New European Hotel on cvr. E
$15 MIN.8
AD-177. Chicago, IL, 1898, G+ Barry (tip crs) Deering Harvester/Harvesting
Machinery header on GPC w/printed notice re.remittances. E $12
AD-178. Chicago, IL, 1901, F Int'l (ruff L, just in ad; lite tone;
bit cr) "Fred Dolle, Wholesale Barbers' Supplies, Expert
Grinders" (man operating grinder); text ad for blue
steel razor on flap; on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-179. Chicago, IL, 1901, VG Int'l (upper L edge bit ruff; edge
tear T; lite tone; no flap) "The Wyoming" hotel
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-180. Chicago, IL, 1902, G+ Int'l (upper R crnr toned) Sherman
House cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-181. Chicago, IL, 1902, F Int'l; Hyde Park Hotel on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-182. Chicago, IL, 1902, VG Int'l (bit lite soiled) J.L.Gatzert
& Co.(tailors) cc; overall text ad on back; 1c Frank. on STILL-SEALED
cvr w/unexamined enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-183. Chicago, IL, 1904, F Int'l (ruff R; part soiled; upper
L crnr toned; AS IS for that) Columbia Home & Investment; in address area (pyramids & sphinx) on cvr. E $14
AD-184. Chicago, IL, 1904, VG Int'l; Congress Hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-185. Chicago, IL, 1908, VG Int'l; Kaiserhof Fire-Proof Hotel; "By the way... stop at the Kaiserhof..." printed
script ad on flap on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-186. Chicago, IL, 1909, VG Time-Cmns (trim L) Hotel Newberry
illus.logo cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-187. Chicago, IL, 1911, F Time-Cmns (o/s; lite tone) Congress
Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-188. Chicago, IL, 1912, VF Time-Cmns (tiny tear T) Palmer House
fancy ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-189. Chicago, IL, 1914, F Int'l (trim R) Siegel-Myers Correspondence
School of Music; bit faulty 2c Wash.w/Schermack ty.3
perfs on cvr w/encs. E $20
AD-190. Chicago, IL, 1928, F Univ. (toned) Morrison Hotel;
"I forgot to mention... stop at the Morrison" printed
script ad on flap on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-191. Chicago, IL, 1937, G+ Univ.; John Fred Vickrey Postage
Stamps 2.75x3.25" (chick chasing fly: "If you
don't catch him...") on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-192. Chicago, IL, 1940, VG+ Univ. (lite gum tone) Hotel Sherman (bit larger style) on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-193. Chicago, IL, 1942, VF Univ. (gum tone lines) Harrison
Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-194. Chicago, N.Cla.St., IL, 1901, VG CH-1-e1 Tp14; King Ozark
Wine/Made by the Brandsville Fruit Farm (grapes on
shield) on cvr. E $30
AD-195. Chicago/Air Mail, IL, 1929, VG duplex (ruff R) Morrison
Hotel; "I forgot to mention... stop at the Morrison"
printed script ad on flap; 5c beacon air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-196. Chicago/Air Mail, IL, 1940, F Univ. (lite gum tone) Hotel
Sherman (bit smaller style) on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-197. Chicago/Air Mail Field, IL, 1940, VF duplex; Hyde Park
Hotel on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-198. Chicago/N.W., IL, ca.1885, VG duplex (trim R) A.H.Arnold,
German Translator cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-199. Chicago/Old P.O.Anx, IL, 1948, G Univ.; Hotel Sherman cc on air/special del.cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-200. Chrisman, IL, 1934, G+ Colum. (edge tear T; tip cr) Newlin
& Samford Plumbing art deco (bldg) on cvr. E $14
AD-201. Decatur, IL, 1953, VG Univ.; Landers & Co./Try a Hudson
Hornet Today! w/12-line description of car on ad PPC (green sedan).
E $15 MIN.8
AD-202. Dixon, IL, 1870s, VG CDS/grid (ruff R; crs) A.Platt/Agricultural
Implements & Farm Machinery ad cc on cvr. E $14
AD-203. Dixon, IL, 1899, VG duplex (trim R; lite tone) Grand Detour
Plow Co.header w/large "PLOWS" below; illus.steel plow
on flap on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-204. Dixon, IL, [1902], G+ straight-line town/state (toned;
edge tears) Smith & McCosh/Music for Bands, Orchestras cc;
1c Frank. on cvr w/6 encs.(miniature sheet music; illus."Mellophone"
ad). E $20
AD-205. Dixon, IL, 1919, partial Univ. (part lite tone) Will H.Smith
& Son/Band Instruments/Trouper Marches ad cc; black bars obliterating
orig.text ("Ill.Metals Co., Plano") on repurposed cvr
w/5 encs.(toned) uniform ad flyer. E $20
AD-206. Dixon, IL, 1939, VG Univ.; Medusa Portland Cement
(Medusa head) on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-207. Evanston, IL, 1937, F duplex; "The Georgian"
hotel logo ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-208. Granville, IL, 1907, G duplex; Big Bend Reunion
(GAR medal) 1c Smith on cvr w/enc.event program; "Prof.Weise
the Human Snake"; baseball games; moving pictures; etc. E
AD-209. Henry, IL, 1915, G+ duplex; "C.E.Vogelsang/Phone
4" text ad w/illus.boy & Calumet Baking Powder can on
PPC. E $15
AD-210. Kankakee, IL, 1942, F Univ.; Hotel Kankakee on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-211. Lacon, IL, 1850s, VG CDS (lite crs L edge; no flap) "Marshall
House by Jno.Kelsey" fancy circled h/s cc (part lite) 3c
imperf on cvr. E $20
AD-212. LaSalle, IL, 1929, VG Univ. (trim R) Hotel Kaskaskia
& fancy border; "Historic Starved Rock State Park"
ad on back on cvr. E $20
AD-213. LaSalle, IL, 1932, F duplex (bit trim T; lite tone) Castendyck-Hamel; illus.John Deere tractor & family on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-214. Marseilles, IL, 1863, G+ CDS/target (trim L) "A.Smith,
Lumber, Lath & Shingles text ad cc in fancy frame on cvr.
E $20
AD-215. Marseilles, IL, [1882], G+ CDS/Recd as origin (edge tears
T; back faults) Marseilles Mfg.Co.text ad (product list) on cvr.
E $14
AD-216. Marseilles, IL, 1889, G CDS/cork (trim R about.75";
tear T) Marseilles Mfg.Co.fancy ad header w/product list on cvr.
E $14
AD-217. Marseilles, IL, 1891, G+ CDS/cork (trim L; nick T; edge
tears; lite tone) O.D.Walbridge h/s cc; "300 Horse Power
to Rent/Water Power/Illinois River/Manufacturers Invited"
red h/s (dam) on cvr. E $20
AD-218. Mendota, IL, 1870s, G+ CDS/cork (trim R; tip tear) Wester
Cottage Organ (fancy organ) on cvr. E $20
AD-219. Mendota, IL, 1911, G+ Amer/A14; Black Bros.Machinery
(Pioneer Moulding Sander) on cvr. E $14
AD-220. Mendota, IL, 1917, VF Amer/A14 (edge tears L) Wills Mfg.Co./Cow
Boy Tank Heaters (tank cutaway) on PSE. E $15
AD-221. Mendota, IL, 1932, F Int'l (slight trim T) L.J.Oester
cc; illus.John Deere tractor & family on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-222. (Mineral), IL, 1886, canxed Wabash, IN, G CDS/cork (upper
R edge ruff, just in stamp; lite tone) Mitchell's Improved Washer/Z.E.Williamson
illus.header (washing machine, closed & open) on cvr. E $20
AD-223. Normal, IL, 1892, VG CDS/cork (bit ruff trim R) Augustine
& Co. Nurserymen fancy ad cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-224. Normal, IL, [1896], partial CDS/cork (bit trim L; T tips
ruff; edge tear T) M.F.Dillon Percheron & French Draft Horses (his portrait, in flat-brim hat) on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-225. (Ottawa), IL, 1882, canxed Grand Ridge G+ oval/cork (ruff
R; tear T, in rim; nicks; bit lite tone) E.Hodgson & Sons
Norman Horses (horse) on cvr w/matching letterhead enc.
E $20
AD-226. Ottawa, IL, 1893, G+ duplex (trim L; lower L tip nick)
Ottawa Business oval cc; overall lite blue lined background
on cvr. E $20
AD-227. (Ottawa), IL, 1903, G+ duplex (ruff L, just in ad; uneven
toned) J.M.Rockwell, Indianapolis Bridge & Iron Works
(factory) on cvr w/matching letterhead enc. E $16
AD-228. Ottawa, IL, 1907, VG Amer/B14(1) (trim L; lite tone) J.E.Porter/Haying
Tools, etc., ad cc; illus.overall back ad (pulley, hanger, etc.)
on cvr w/fancy letterhead enc. E $24
AD-229. Ottawa, IL, 1908, VG Amer/B14(1) (trim R; lite tone; edge
tear B) J.E.Porter Co.Haying Tools fancy ad cc; 4 illus.products
on back on cvr. E $20
AD-230. Ottawa, IL, 1909, G+ Amer/B14(1) (trim R; toned) John
F.Buchner, Recorder/LaSalle County (courthouse) on cvr.
E $16
AD-231. Ottawa, IL, 1913, F Colum. (part ruff trim R; toned) Probate
Clerk (courthouse) on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $16
AD-232. Ottawa, IL, 1917, VG Colum.; Morey Roberts, Pianos &
Musical Instruments cc on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $12 MIN.6
AD-233. Ottawa, IL, 1918, G Univ. (trim R) J.E.Porter
(tiny cow head) on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-234. Peoria, IL, ca.1918, VF precanx; F.Meyer & Bro Co.
h/s return add.; 2c Sc.499 on Xmas PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-235. (Peru), IL, 1897, canxed LaSalle G+ duplex (ruff R; lite
tone) Peru Plow & Wheel cc (plow, wheel) on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-236. Peru, IL, 1906, F duplex (ruff R, just in stamp) Peru
Plow & Wheel on PSE w/illus.letterhead enc.(plow, wheel).
E $15 MIN.8
AD-237. Peru, IL, 1908, VF duplex (trim R; lite tone) Fred A.Koehler/Contractor
& Builder (fancy house) on cvr. E $20
AD-238. Peru, IL, 1913, G duplex (bit trim T; slight ruff slit
B) Brunner Foundry & Machinery Co./Gasoline Engines, Acme
Scales, Sprayers & Pumpers (pumper) 2c Parcel Post
on cvr. E $20
AD-239. Peru, IL, 1916, G+ duplex; Star Union Brewing on
cvr. E $15
AD-240. Princeton, IL, 1863, G+ CDS/grid (trim L) "American
House" hotel boxed text ad on cvr. E $15
AD-241. (Princeton), IL, 1870s, canxed Chi & Bur/RPO G+ blue
CDS w/neg."E" in cork; Princeton Mfg.Co., Stalk Cutters,
Plows, Cultivators cc w/large illus.plow; large illus.cutter on
back on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-242. Princeton, IL, ca.1888, G CDS/cork (trim R; flap tear)
American House cc; text ad for this & 3 other Munger
on back; on cvr. E $20
AD-243. Princeton, IL, ca.1888, G+ CDS/cork (trim R) Fire Ass'n
Philadelphia/W.H.Mesenkop, Agt, (fire hose) on cvr. E
AD-244. Princeton, IL, 1900, VG duplex (bit ruff trim R, in stamp
to oval) Claude Brown, Co.Supt of Schools (bldg) faulty
4c Lincoln on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-245. Quincy, IL, 1941, VG Univ.; Hotel Newcomb cc on cvr. E
$12 MIN.6
AD-246. Rock Island, IL, 1897, F Amer/B14(1) (flap tears) Penn
Tank Line; Pennsylvania Lubricating & Illuminating Oils
overall text ad on back; on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-247. Rockford, IL, 1925, F+ Univ. (part ruff trim R; lite tone)
Nelson Hotel & Annex on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-248. Rockford, IL, 1952, G+ Univ. (bit trim T) Hotel Lafayette (portrait) w/list of 31 hotels at L on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-249. Rutland, IL, 1886, G+ CDS/grid (trim R) Big Bend Veteran
Reunion cc w/illus.medal on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $15
AD-250. Scarboro, IL, 1909, partial Doane 3/1 (town mostly not
struck) "Clothes of Quality/P.J.Schoenholz" ad at L
on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-251. Spring Valley, IL, 1894, VG CDS/cork (bit trim T; lite
tone) Nelson & Son/Butchers & Stock Dealers (cow;
sheep) 2c Colum. on cvr. E $15
AD-252. Streator, IL, 1922, VG Univ. (bit ruff trim R) Pergue
Farm/Guernsey Cattle cc on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $12 MIN.6
AD-253. Van Orin, IL, 1903, G duplex (part ruff trim R; lite tone)
Washburn, Crosby's Flour (2 women & barrel); text
ad on back on cvr. E $14
AD-254. Vandalia, IL, 1901, G+ duplex; M.Lape, Restaurant &
Lunch Room/Fruits & Candy h/s cc; 1c green on cvr w/matching
h/s letterhead enc. E $16
AD-255. Walnut, IL, 1950, VG machine (flap slit thru, barely in
back ad) Truman Esmond cc; illus.small tractor & John Deere
logo; Deere portrait ad on flap on cvr. E $14
AD-256. Wenona, IL, 1888, VG CDS/grid (trim R) Amer.Shire Horse
Ass'n cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-257. Wenona, IL, 1898, G+ duplex (trim R) Sam.Fuiks & Bro.Dry
Goods cc & text ad on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-258. Elwood, IN, 1901, partial duplex; "J.A.Beatty, Pastor,
1st Methodist Episcopal Church (church) on cvr. E $15
AD-259. Evansville, IN, ca.1930, F precanx (part lite water tone)
Mead Johnson & Co. "Dear Doctor..." header w/long
text ad for Oleum Percomorphum; 1c coil (Sc.597) on Percomorph
Fishes PPC (#17: Bonito). E $40
AD-260. Evansville, IN, ca.1930, F precanx (lower L edge lite
water tone) Mead Johnson & Co. "Dear Doctor..."
header w/long text ad for Oleum Percomorphum; 1c coil (Sc.597)
on Percomorph Fishes PPC (#19: California Barracuda). E $40
AD-261. Evansville, IN, ca.1930, F precanx (bit cr) Mead Johnson
& Co. "Dear Doctor..." header w/long text ad for
Oleum Percomorphum; 1c (Sc.632) on Percomorph Fishes PPC (#8:
Barracuda). E $50
AD-262. Indianapolis, IN, 1909, F Int'l; Peck Motor Car;
2c Seward on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-263. Indianapolis, IN, 1909, VG Int'l; Capital City Brewing at L: "Your Thanksgiving Dinner is not complete without
a bottle of... T.T.Beer/Phone Us For a Case" on PPC. E $15
AD-264. Madison, IN, 1898, G+ duplex (lite tone) Sulzer Bros./Roots,
Barks, Herbs text ad w/patriotic illus.FLAG on cvr. E $15
AD-265. Monroeville, IN, 1902, G+ CDS/cork (toned; trim R; upper
R tip nick) J.J.Peters Roller Mills (machine) on cvr.
E $15
AD-266. New Albany, IN, 1919, VG Amer/A14 w/dateless dial (crs)
New Albany Box & Basket (crate) on cvr. E $15
AD-267. Redkey, IN, 1901, F CDS/cork (lite tone) New Hotel Rees; 2c locomotive on cvr. E $15
AD-268. Richmond, IN, 1919, G+ duplex (lite tone; trim L) Westcott
Hotel; 3x 3c offset on cvr. E $14
AD-269. Warsaw, IN, 1899, VF ms (bit ruff trim R) John Trish's
Carriage & Wagon Manufactory (bldg & wagons)
on cvr. E $20
AD-270. Charles City, IA, 1906, G Doremus (part water tone; repaired
back flap) "Allow Me to introduce a friend" printed
at upper L; 1c Sc.300 on 4.25x6.5" folder w/
for Klorofil Dandruff Cure inside. E $16
AD-271. Des Moines, IA, ca.1919, VF inverted precanx w/thick bars
(toned; crs) Iowa Road Building Co.text ad at L; 1c Sc.498 on
ad PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-272. Dubuque, IA, 1903, G+ Barry; John T.Hancock cc; "Dubuque
Midsummer Circus" boxed ad at L of stamp (partly o/s by canx)
on PSE. E $15
AD-273. Fairfield, IA, 1930, VG Univ. (bit lite tone) on attached
message/reply GPC w/enc.announcement/program of physicians' meeting
on TB, hyperthyroidism, nephritis. E $14
AD-274. Granville, IA, 1894, G+ CDS/target (part ruff trim R)
J.H.Bussanmas/Dealer in Fred Miller Brewing Co's Milwaukee Lager
Beer, Pop & Ginger Ale; 2c Colum. on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-275. Muscatine, IA, 1909, VF Amer/B14(1) (lite tone) Dr.H.M.Dean
ad at L on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-276. Olin, IA, 1967, G+ machine; Beeline Fashion Style Show
home party invitation on ad PPC (leggy woman in purple dress).
E $12 MIN.6
AD-277. Oskaloosa, IA, 1898, partial duplex (bit lite tone) Ideal
Heating Co.GREEN (furnace w/cutaway side wall) on PSE.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-278. Lot 3) Coldwater, KS, 1893, G+ CDS/cork; C.T.Avery/Real
Estate cc on cvrs, each w/1c Colum.(1 faulty) & "Unclaimed"
or "Return to Sender" h/s. E $14
AD-279. Kansas City/Stock Yards Sta., KS, 1906, G+ Amer/B38 (trim
R) Greer & Co./Live Stock Comm'n Merchants (giant
broom sweeping cattle) on PSE. E $15
AD-280. Lawrence, KS, [1896], G+ duplex (state mostly not struck;
ruff slit R; edge tear T; part lite soiled) Geo.Leis Drg
(bldg) on cvr. E $14
AD-281. Lenora, KS, 1920, G+ duplex; Lenora Lodge/IOOF (Odd Fellows)
fancy header w/illus.symbols on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-282. Leoti, KS, 1906, F duplex (tears T) Wheat Belt Land
w/illus.wheat sheaf on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-283. Pittsburg, KS, ca.1891, G duplex (year partial; lite tone)
Womans Relief Corps (medal & ribbon) 1c blue on unsealed
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-284. Richmond, KS, 1887, G+ CDS/circled star (trim R; lite
tone) P.I.McEckron/Holstein-Friesian Cattle/Farm, 4 Miles N.E.of
Richmond ad cc on cvr. E $20
AD-285. Louisville, KY, ca.1920, G+ Univ. w/dateless dial; Christian
Church Widows & Orphans Home photo (4 girls, 2 boys)
on pix side of PPC. E $15
AD-286. New Orleans, LA, 1925, VG Univ. (ruff R into stamp; toned)
"Standard Oil Co.of Louisiana, Memphis, TN" cc on PSE
w/letterhead enc. & bit faulty "Stanocola"
pamphlet (attendant & gas pump). E $16
AD-287. Bangor, ME, 1891, VG duplex; Alfred Jones' Sons Fish Dealers
price list on GPC. E $8
AD-288. Old Orchard, ME, 1870s, G+ CDS/grid (tears T & L,
1 in cc; lite tone) Sanssouci & Adams House cc on cvr. E $14
AD-289. Old Orchard, ME, 1881, G CDS/cork (bit lite tone) Fiske
House overall fancy ad w/blue lined background on cvr. E $15
AD-290. Old Orchard, ME, ca.1885, VG CDS/cork (tear T, in dial)
"The Old Orchard" hotel "script" cc; 2c brown
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-291. Old Orchard, ME, ca.1885, partial CDS/cork; Ocean House cc; 2c brown on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-292. Old Orchard, ME, 1895, VG CDS/segmented cork (bit ruff
trim R) Atlantic House/S.D.Moulton, PROPRIETRESS, ad cc on cvr.
E $12 MIN.6
AD-293. Old Orchard, ME, 1898, partial CDS/cork (trim R) Sea Shore
House fancy ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-294. Old Orchard, ME, 1900, G+ CDS/cork (lite tone) Old Orchard
House fancy ad cc on cvr w/illus.letterhead enc. E $14
AD-295. Old Orchard, ME, 1913, G duplex (lite tone) Hotel Vesper
cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-296. Old Orchard, ME, 1918, G+ Amer/A14 (lite tone) Lafayette
Hotel cc on cvr w/photo illus.letterhead enc. E $14
AD-297. Old Orchard Beach, ME, 1938, G+ Univ.; New Linwood Hotel
photo cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-298. Portland, ME, 1893, G+ Int'l (lower R tip ruff) B.B.Farnsworth
Shoe on Colum.PSE. E $8
AD-299. Baltimore, MD, ca.1880, VF dateless CDS (lite tone; no
flap) W.S.Hughes Comm'n Merchants "chain" oval h/s cc;
1c banknote on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-300. Baltimore, MD, ca.1880, partial CDS; Baltimore Enamel
Paint Co./Wm.H.King h/s oval cc; 1c banknote on cvr w/enc. E $15
AD-301. Baltimore, MD, [1882], G Leavitt; Horner Boots, Shoes
& Rubbers header & salesman's notice on GPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-302. Baltimore, MD, ca.1882, G+ Leavitt; Geo.L.Milliman Teas
header & salesman's notice on GPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-303. Baltimore, MD, [1882], G+ CDS/cork; H.W.Huntemuller Salted
Fish header & salesman's notice on GPC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-304. Baltimore, MD, 1892, G+ Int'l (trim R) Lawrence, Gould
& Co. (boots & shoes) cc on PSE; 2 enc.invoices w/illus.letterhead
(bldgs). E $15 MIN.8
AD-305. Baltimore, MD, 1892, G+ Int'l (trim R) "The Carrollton"
hotel ad header; Chas.Carroll illus.portrait on cvr. E $20
AD-306. Baltimore, MD, 1893, G+ duplex (lite tone) P.New &
Sons (wholesale grocers) (bldg) on cvr w/small letterhead
enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-307. Baltimore, MD, 1893, G+ Int'l; Mount Airy Mfg.Co./Successors
to Piedmont Guano cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-308. Baltimore, MD, 1894, G Int'l (part ruff slit T) John A.Horner/Notions,
Hosiery, & c.fancy ad cc; 2c Colum. on cvr w/letterhead enc.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-309. Baltimore, MD, 1896, VG Barry (lite tone; sealed back
tear) John A.Horner & Co./Notions Hosiery & c.fancy ad
cc; "Metropolis of the South" overall text ad
on back on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $20
AD-310. Baltimore, MD, 1900, F Int'l (bit trim R) J.W. & H.Bryant,
Attorneys cc on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $12 MIN.6
AD-311. Baltimore, MD, 1901, G Int'l (bit trim R) Reamer's Howard
House (hotel) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-312. Baltimore, MD, 1902, VG Int'l (lite tone; lower R tip
nick) B.Weyforth & Sons Taylors fancy ad cc w/small illus.scissors
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-313. Baltimore, MD, 1911, VG Int'l (bit ruff trim R) Red C
Oil (allegorical figure & factory) 2c Wash.imperf
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-314. Baltimore, MD, 1920, G+ Univ.; Levering Coffee
(coffee & tea boxes) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-315. Baltimore, MD, 1941, VG Int'l; Muskin Shoe on cvr.
E $12 MIN.6
AD-316. Cumberland, MD, 1933, F Int'l; Army & Navy Sales
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-317. Easton, MD, 1899, partial duplex (bit trim L) Jos.H.White
& Son/Brick & Drain Tile cc; 2c Trans-Miss on cvr. E $15
AD-318. Frederick, MD, 1894, partial duplex (toned) Rice &
Haller/1895 Frederick Almanac text ad on GPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-319. Boston, MA, 1901, G Int'l; American House (eagle
& banner) on cvr w/matching letterhead enc. E $14
AD-320. Boston, MA, 1928, F Int'l (tears T & R) Parker House
illus.logo cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-321. Boston/Boston Circuit, MA, 1905, VF BO-10-e street car
flag (ink drop by address; lite tone) Compressed Steel Shafting; overall illus.back ad (shafting bracket) on cvr. E $15
AD-322. Boston/Chelsea Sta., MA, 1908, F Amer/B38 (R tip nick)
Boston & Lockport Block (tackle block) on PSE.
E $14
AD-323. (Florence), MA, 1900, canxed W'msburg & Northamp/RPO
G+ CDS/cork (R arc partial; bit ruff slit T) Fred T.Atkins cc
on PSE w/pianist's photo illus.portrait letterhead half-sheet
enc.; 3 photo illus.BUSINESS CARDS w/Atkins & violinist F.D.R.Warner;
Lottie Collins; Juliette Corden (both w/"Uses & Indorses
New England Pianos"). E $24
AD-324. Salem, MA, 1893, G+ duplex (trim L; upper L tip ruff)
Witch City Bottling Works (witch w/candle on broomstick)
2c Colum. on cvr. E $30
AD-325. Ann Arbor, MI, 1870s, G CDS/cork (trim L; upper L tip
ruff) Dr.Chase's Steam Printing House (bldg) on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-326. Detroit/3 Paid, MI, 1850s, partial CDS; Michigan Exchange/Lyon
& Barstow embossed blue oval ad cc; 3c imperf on cvr. E $60
AD-327. Detroit, MI, [1870], G+ CDS/cork (part ruff slit R; upper
R tip ruff) Chas.Busch/Hardware, Stoves oval ad cc; 3c locomotive
on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $20
AD-328. Detroit, MI, 1880, G+ duplex; Farnsworth's (small
shoe & bldg) 2c +1c banknotes on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-329. Detroit, MI, 1883, partial duplex (trim T; nick T; tear
T) Russell House on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-330. Detroit, MI, 1884, G duplex (lite tone; bit ruff trim
R) Russell House on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $20
AD-331. Detroit, MI, 1893, F Int'l (toned; edge tear T) Modern
Progressive Business Training School (bldg) 2c Colum.
on cvr. E $20
AD-332. Detroit, MI, 1902, F Int'l (R edge toned) Berry Brothers,
Ltd., full-color illus.varnish can on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-333. Detroit, MI, 1927, VF Int'l (bit ruff upper L; tears T)
Wolverine Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-334. Detroit/Sta.C, MI, 1896, G+ duplex; Buick & Sherwood
M'f'g Co.Sanitary Specialties (factory) on PSE. E $20
AD-335. East Saginaw, MI, 1886, G CDS/target (part ruff slit T;
L edge lite tone) Morley Bros.Hardware (bldg) on cvr
w/matching letterhead enc. E $20 MIN.10
AD-336. Flint, MI, 1870s, G+ CDS/cork (trim R) Newall & Co./Sash,
Doors, Blings ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-337. Flint, MI, ca.1898, G duplex (year not struck; add.part
smear) Stone, Atwood & (woolen mill) on cvr. E
$20 MIN.10
AD-338. Grand Rapids, MI, 1895, VG Int'l (upper L crnr ruff) Moseley
Bros/Fruits, Seeds (bldgs) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-339. Houghton, MI, 1899, G+ duplex (lite tone; trim R) Douglass
House cc on cvr w/4-pg.letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-340. Kalamazoo, MI, 1901, G+ duplex; Doubleday Bros. & (5 books) on GPC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-341. Muskegon, MI, 1902, G+ CDS/Recd as origin; Shaw-Walker
header; long text ad re.filing card system; faulty 1c on priv.mailing
card. E $12 MIN.6
AD-342. Sault Ste.Marie, MI, 1885, partial octagon/star (ruff
R, halfway in 1 stamp) Ripley & Pickford Gen'l Mdse fancy
cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-343. Minneapolis, MN, 1899, VG Barry (ruff R; edge tears B;
lite tone) T.M.Roberts Supply House overall ad w/small illus.train;
overall back ad w/illus.REVOLVER, organ, man in long coat; on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-344. (Love Station), MS, 1923, canxed Memp, Grenada & N.O./RPO
partial duplex (trim R) Grady W.Smith (Training Kennels) cc; photo on cvr w/enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-345. Columbia, MO, 1940, VG Int'l (lite gum tone) Hotel Tiger on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-346. Excelsior Springs, MO, 1940, G+ Univ. (lite gum tone)
Royal Hotel ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-347. Kansas City, MO, 1903, VG+ Barry (bit trim T) "The
Midland" hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-348. Kansas City, MO, 1907, F Barry (bit lite tone) Hotel Baltimore on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-349. Kansas City, MO, 1911, VG Int'l (bit ruff trim R; part
lite water tone; nick T) Coates House on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-350. Kansas City, MO, 1914, G+ Univ.; Hotel Baltimore
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-351. Kansas City, MO, 1920, G+ Univ. (bit trim T) Hirsch Millinery w/RED "Empress Hats" logo below on cvr. E $12
AD-352. Kansas City, MO, 1921, VG Univ. (lite tone) Sexton Hotel; 2c Pilgrim on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-353. Kansas City, MO, 1929, partial duplex; Hotel Muehlebach; 5c beacon air Sc.C11 on cvr w/red & blue stripes.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-354. Kansas City, MO, 1931, G+ duplex; Hotel Muehlebach
w/PLANE over hotel; 5c globe air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-355. Kansas City, MO, 1957, G+ Univ.; Hotel President
cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-356. Marshall, MO, 1929, VF Univ. (nick T) Hotel St.Joe cc
w/small, tennis, horseback on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-357. New Madrid, MO, 1949, VG Univ.; Hotel Claire
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-358. Saint Joseph, MO, [1895], partial duplex (bit trim L;
edge tears R) "The Pacific" hotel fancy ad on cvr. E
$15 MIN.8
AD-359. Saint Louis, MO, 1857, G+ CDS (pen note, just into ad)
Barnum's Saint Louis Hotel RED shield ad cc; bit faulty 3c imperf
on cvr. E $40
AD-360. Saint Louis, MO, 1870s, G CDS/cork (lower L crnr ruff;
flap partly off) Southern Hotel overall lite red illus. on orange
cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-361. Saint Louis, MO, 1893, F Int'l; Hirschl & Bendheim
cc; 4.5x.75" "Smoke Laguna 5c Cigars" cigar-shaped label on back of 2c Colum.PSE. E $20
AD-362. Saint Louis, MO, 1896, G+ duplex (edge tear R; lite tone)
"The Lindell" hotel; text ad on back on cvr.
E $20
AD-363. Saint Louis, MO, 1898, G+ Barry (bit trim T; upper R tip
slit) "The Lindell" hotel; text ad on back
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-364. Saint Louis, MO, 1905, G Int'l; Lindell Hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-365. Saint Louis, MO, 1913, G+ Int'l; Maryland Hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-366. Saint Louis, MO, 1913, VG Int'l (lite tone) Park Hotel
green on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-367. Saint Louis, MO, 1919, F Univ. (lite tone; edge tear R)
Planters Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-368. Saint Louis, MO, 1933, G+ Int'l; Hotel Lennox
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-369. Saint Louis, MO, 1939, VF Int'l (trim L to ad) New Hotel
Jefferson on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-370. Saint Louis/Annex Sta., MO, 1908, F Int'l; Terminal Hotel,
Union Sta., on cvr. E $20
AD-371. Saint Louis/Annex Sta., MO, 1910, VG+ Int'l; Planters
Hotel at L; 4 on back on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-372. Saint Louis/P.O.Annex, MO, 1904, F Amer/B38; Goffe, Lucas
& Carkener/Grain Merchandise cc (rail lines to city)
on PSE. E $14
AD-373. Spruce, MO, 1939, G+ 4-bar (near VF) Nat'l Wildlife Week
cachet on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-374. Billings, MT, 1885, G+ CDS/cork (dial bit hi; lite tone)
Billings Herald cc on cvr w/enc.letter; news article re.hunter
drowning "in the treacherous Yellowstone". E $24 MIN.12
AD-375. Butte, MT, 1909, G Amer/B14 (part ruff L) "The Thornton"
hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-376. Butte City, MT, 1886, G+ duplex (trim R, just in stamp)
Casey & Brophy Gen'l Mdse cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-377. Butte City, MT, 1887, G+ duplex (lite tone) St.Nicholas
Hotel/Only First-Class Hotel in the City ad header (68-94) on
cvr. E $20
AD-378. Clay Center, NE, 1917, G Amer/B14 (trim R, in stamp to
oval) M.M.Johnson Co.Incubators & Brooders (factory)
on cvr w/encs., inc.illus.letterhead (chick & incubator) typed
letter w/overall LONG illus.text ad on back. E $20
AD-379. Nenzel, NE, 1919, G 4-bar (trim L, just into ad) Derry
Bros.Chevrolet (logo; family in car) 10c +3c on reg'd
cvr w/bit better strikes as origin b/s. E $15 MIN.8
AD-380. Omaha, NE, 1870s, G+ CDS/cork (bit ruff trim L to ad;
toned) Creighton House on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-381. Reno, NV, 1907, G+ Int'l (bit trim T) Riverside Hotel
ad cc ("Free Coach to All Trains"); large illus.back
ad (hotel & bridge) on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-382. Concord, NH, 1867, G+ DCDS/target (dial hi: "CO"
partly off) Pembroke (NH) Academy principal's cc on cvr. E $15
AD-383. Manchester, NH, 1892, G+ duplex (trim R, in stamp to oval)
John B.Clarke's Daily Mirro & American/Weekly Mirror &
Farmer (fancy mirror) on cvr w/enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-384. Portsmouth, NH, 1887, G+ duplex (trim L) Kearsarge House on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-385. Portsmouth, NH, [1893], VG duplex; Appledore House, Isle
of Shoals, (hotel & beach) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-386. (Arlington), NJ, 1899, canxed New York, NY, F duplex (L
tip slight ruff) Ashmall Music Publishers cc; 2c Trans-Miss on
cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-387. Westfield, NJ, 1905, F Int'l; Philadelphia Pneumatic Tool; large lite blue illus.tool in add.area on PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AD-388. Las Cruces, NM, 1936, G+ Univ. (lite tone) Amador Hotel (covered wagon) on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-389. Batavia, NY, 1913, G Univ. (upper R tip nib) Wiard Plow; 2c Pan-Pac +1c Wash. on 2c PSE to Sweden. E $15 MIN.8
AD-390. Binghamton, NY, 1986, VG machine (ruff slit T, partly
in dial) "Create America Agency" 2x3" pictorial
adhesive ad label "semi-collar" w/cut-out corner for
22c stamp on #10 cvr w/accompanying Linn's article's
ad scheme. E $15 MIN.8
AD-391. Brooklyn/Sta.W, NY, 1900, VF Amer/B38 (lite tone; tiny
nick R) Arm & Hamemr/Church & Co's Soda logo ad cc &
on back; on cvr; flyer w/matching illus. E $14
AD-392. Buffalo, NY, 1870s, partial CDS/cork (B edge on back toned)
C.V.Kassson & Co./Hot Air Furnaces ("The Harris"
furnace) on GPC Sc.UX3. E $24 MIN.12
AD-393. Buffalo, NY, [1894], G mute oval; Spalding Machine Screw
Co./Cycle Fittings cc on 1c Colum.PSE. E $12 MIN.6
AD-394. Buffalo, NY, 1894, G+ Int'l; Buffalo Express ad &
receipt on GPC to Canada. E $12 MIN.6
AD-395. (Buffalo), NY, 1957, canxed Paris, France, G+ slogan machine;
Charlie's Gulf Service cc; printed "script" message
re.Gulf Oil service & products on Eiffel Tower PPC. E $12
AD-396. New York, NY, [1869], partial CDS/cork (trim R; lite tone)
Hyatt & Spencer/Acme Club Skates, Fluting Machines, Tool Chests (ice skate, bit o/s by sender's partial DCDS) 3c locomotive
on cvr. E $30
AD-397. New York, NY, [1878], F duplex; "E.L.Becerra's Nephew
& Co." company's double-oval dated h/s as private "origin"
b/s on GPC (Sc.UX3). E $8
AD-398. New York, NY, 1896, VG Amer/D14(2); Geo.Delano's Sons/Sperm
& Whale Oil/Candles ad cc on cvr. E $20
AD-399. New York, NY, 1896, G+ Amer/D14(4) (trim R) Railway Directory cc (locomotive) on cvr. E $14
AD-400. New York, NY, 1905, VF Int'l; U.S. & Nicaragua;
illus.Nicaragua map on back on cvr; letterhead enc.w/illus.flags;
large matching on back. E $24 MIN.12
AD-401. New York/F, NY, 1897, G+ duplex; Bellevue Hospital Medical
College cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-402. New York/N, NY, 1904, G duplex (trim R) Tennant Auto Tire (woman & large tire); illus.tire cross-section
on back; on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-403. New York/Penn.Term.Sta., NY, 1917, G+ Univ. (cr) Bright
Bros.header; printed "script" ad re.garments line on
PPC. E $8
AD-404. (North Helpstead, L.I.), NY, 1867, canxed Utica F DCDS/target
(dial bit hi; ruff R) Westbury Nurseries/Isaac Hicks & Sons
circled cc on cvr. E $20
AD-405. Goldsboro, NC, 1894, G CDS/cork (dial hi: "LDSB"
partly off; lite tone) Hotel Kennon cc on cvr w/letterhead enc.
E $12 MIN.6
AD-406. Lowgap, NC, 1936, G+ 4-bar (near VF) Woodruff's Decorative
Greens/Prepared Galax cc w/2 small illus.owls on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-407. Bismarck, ND, 1925, G+ Int'l; "Will's Pioneer Brand/Oscar
H.Will" header on address side of UX27 GPC; order
acknowledgement on back. E $14
AD-408. (Devils Lake), ND, 1928, canxed St.Paul & Minot RPO/W.D.
G+ duplex (bit ruff slit R) Great Northern Hotel on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-409. Fargo, ND, 1901, G+ Barr-Fyke (part ruff slit T) Hotel
Webster on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-410. Fargo, ND, 1925, G+ Univ.; "The Gardner" hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-411. Grand Forks, ND, 1894, partial CDS/cork; "The Dacotah"
hotel; 2c Colum. on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-412. Grand Forks, ND, 1926, VG Int'l; Frederick Hotel
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-413. Grand Forks, ND, 1926, F Int'l (ruff slit R) Hotel Dacotah on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-414. Grand Forks, ND, 1933, F Int'l; Hotel Northern/Cafe Service on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-415. (Jamestown), ND, 1922, canxed St.P. & Miles City RPO/W.D.
G duplex (trim R) Gladstone Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-416. Akron, OH, 1911, VG Int'l (ruff R into portrait) May Fiebeger
Co.Furnaces (furnace cutaway) on cvr. E $14
AD-417. Cincinnati, OH, 1897, G+ Amer/B14(2); Wm.Powell Co.illus.notice
on back (valve) on GPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-418. Cincinnati, OH, 1898, F Amer/B14(2) (lower R tip slit)
Dennison Hotel fancy cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-419. Cincinnati, OH, 1914, VF Int'l (lite tone) Big 3 Overall
logo ad cc on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-420. Cleveland, OH, [1874], G+ blue CDS/target (dial hi: "VEL"
partly off; lite tone) J.McDermott (grindstones) (Vienna
Expo medals) on GPC Sc.UX3. E $20
AD-421. Cleveland, OH, 1894, G+ Int'l (trim R; lite tone) Manufacturers
Oil & Grease cc; 3-line text ad forming address lines on cvr.
E $12 MIN.6
AD-422. Cleveland Circuit/RPO, 1912, G+ CL-1-e Trip 7; Atlantic
Refining; overall cartoon man & Spotzoff can
on oval "blimp" formed by oval add.window; faulty 2c
Wash.w/Schermack ty.3 perfs on cvr. E $20
AD-423. Fremont, OH, 1893, G+ duplex; Myers overall
illus.back ad: "The Only Combination of the Kind on the Market./Myers
Celebrated Patent Sling Shots Combined With Arrow Attachments...
Druggist's Rubber Sundries" (boy shooting at target; friend
watching; part o/s by recd canx) on 2c Colum.PSE. E $60
AD-424. Middletown, OH, 1936, G+ meter (toned around window) P.Lorillard
Co., N.Y., N.Y., (Indians smoking); full-color Old Gold
cigarette on back on #10 window cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-425. Newark, OH, 1917, G+ Colum. (ruff R) K(nights) of P(ythias)
Relief Committee cc w/photo (bldg) on cvr. E $8
AD-426. Piqua, OH, 1901, G+ duplex (trim L; tears T & B) Hotel
Maza on cvr. E $14
AD-427. Tulsa, OK, 1920, G+ Univ.; Curry Fly Trap (tent-shaped
trap) on #10 cvr. E $20
AD-428. Tulsa, Ind.T (OK), 1905, F duplex (upper L crnr ruff)
Tulsa Commercial Club cc; on back ( &
surrounding states, part o/s by recd canx) on cvr. E $30
AD-429. (Arlington), OR, 1950, canxed Green R. & Port.W.D./RPO
VG duplex; (trim R) Hulden Motor; Int'l Harvester logo on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-430. Baker, OR, 1930, F Univ. (lite tone) Hotel Baker
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-431. Grants Pass, OR, 1930, F Int'l (trim R; lower R tip nick)
Redwoods Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-432. Klamath Falls, OR, 1911, partial duplex (lite tone; tear
T; nick T) Baldwin Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-433. Klamath Falls, OR, 1931, G+ Int'l (trim R; upper R tip
nick) Hotel Elk; 5c globe air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-434. Medford, OR, 1930, G Univ. (trim L) Hotel Holland
("Gateway to Crater Lake") on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-435. Portland, OR, 1885, partial CDS/cork (trim R, well into
1 stamp; lite tone) Esmond Hotel; pair 1c banknotes on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-436. Portland, OR, 1927, VF Univ. (lite tone) Multnomah Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-437. Portland, OR, 1930, VG+ Univ. (lite tone) Multnomah Hotel; 5c beacon air Sc.C11 on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-438. Portland, OR, 1932, F Univ. (lite tone) Multnomah Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-439. Portland, OR, 1932, F Univ.; "The Portland"
hotel; 3c Olympics on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-440. Portland, OR, 1948, G+ Univ.; Hotel Multnomah
cc; illus.mountain on back on air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-441. Salem, OR, 1940, VF Int'l (lite gum tone) Hotel Marion cc; 5 small on back on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-442. (Claysville), PA, 1904, canxed partial RPO duplex; Geo.B.Sprowls,
Agricultural Implements ad cc on cvr w/illus.letterhead enc.(buggy).
E $14
AD-443. Lancaster/Trans.Sta, PA, 1894, partial CDS/cork (trim
R) Potts & Weber/Blacksmiths' Fan Blowers, Drill Presses
(drill) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-444. Lebanon, PA, [1872], G+ CDS/neg."L" in cork;
J.H.Miller/Insurance Ag't ad cc on cvr w/letterhead enc. E $15
AD-445. Middletown, PA, 1894, partial CDS/cork (town/month mostly
not struck; lite tone) Raymond & Campbell Mfg./Susquehanna
Iron Works (furnace) 1c blue on unsealed cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-446. Philadelphia, PA, 1860s, partial CDS/cork (ruff slit lower
R) Henry Carey Baird/Publ.of Practical & Scientific Books
ad header; LONG price list on back; on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-447. Philadelphia, PA, 1860s, VG CDS/cork (bit ruff trim R)
C.M.Garden Hats, Caps, Furs (5-story bldg) on cvr. E
$15 MIN.8
AD-448. Philadelphia, PA, 1906, VG Int'l (trim R) Supplee Hardware
cc; Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers ad w/tiny illus.mower at B on cvr
w/letterhead enc. E $15 MIN.8
AD-449. Philadelphia/Nicetown Sta., PA, 1903, G Amer/B38 (edge
tears T) Bickel & Miller Butter/Eggs (bldg) on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-450. Providence, RI, 1940, F duplex (lite tone) Automobile
Mutual cc (car; dividends list) 10c special del.
on #10 window PSE. E $14
AD-451. Charleston/3 Paid, SC, 1850s, G+ CDS; Wm Lebby/Machinist
green embossed oval ad on flap (bit scuff) 3c imperf w/3mm margin
at L on cvr. E $30
AD-452. Aberdeen, SD, 1912, G+ Time-Cmns (ruff R, just in stamp)
"Commercial Club" photo cc (bldg) on cvr. E
AD-453. (Aberdeen), SD, 1932, canxed Centerville, SD, G+ Colum.;
Alonzo Ward Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-454. Aberdeen, SD, 1940, VG machine; Sherman Hotel photo
cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-455. Park City, UT, 1893, partial CDS/cork (trim R) Crescent
Mining cc (moon) on cvr. E $20
AD-456. Price, UT, 1940, F Univ. (part ruff slit upper R) Hotel
Savoy; "When touring Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway...
stop at the Savoy..." ad on flap on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-457. Salt Lake City, UT, 1899, G+ Pneumatic J2d5a (trim L;
toned) "The Knutsford" hotel cc on cvr. E $20
AD-458. Salt Lake City, UT, 1906, G+ Barry (trim R) "The
Kenyon" hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-459. Salt Lake City, UT, 1906, G+ Barry; The New Wilson European
Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-460. Salt Lake City, UT, 1919, G Univ. (trim L) Hotel Utah on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-461. Salt Lake City, UT, 1923, F Univ.; Hotel Utah;
2x 1c booklet pair on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-462. Salt Lake City, UT, 1951, VG Univ.; Hotel Utah
on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-463. Salt Lake City/Guthrie Sta., UT, 1928, partial duplex;
Hotel Utah; 5c beacon air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-464. Salt Lake City/Guthrie Sta., UT, 1929, partial duplex;
Hotel Utah; 5c beacon air on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-465. Salt Lake City/Guthrie Sta., UT, 1931, F Univ.; Hotel
Utah; 5c globe air on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-466. Bradford, VT, 1890, G+ CDS/cork (trim R) E.H.Allen/Photographic
Artist/Albums, Frames ad cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-467. Burlington, VT, ca.1880, G+ CDS/cork (trim R, barely in
stamp) Shepard, Davis & Co./Lumber double oval cc; 1c banknote
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-468. Burlington, VT, 1905, G+ Amer/B14; J.B.Poland, Electrical
Contractor fancy boxed ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-469. Lower Waterford, VT, [1886], partial CDS/target; White
Mountain Incubator Co.boxed ad cc; 1c banknote on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-470. Clarksville, VA, 1945, G+ duplex (trim L) Hotel Grace
return add.on back; simple map of highways to city on address
side; soldier's ms "Free" frank on cvr. E $14
AD-471. Drewryville, VA, 1904, VF duplex (edge tear R) T.P.Wynne/Gen'l
Mdse/Mfr of Hand-Picked Virginia PEANUTS ad cc on cvr. E $14
AD-472. Farmville, VA, 1890, partial CDS/cork (bit lite tone)
S.W.Paulett's Insurance cc (business card & flowers)
overall gray lined background on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-473. Harrisonburg, VA, 1896, partial CDS/cork (trim R) Yancey,
Snell & (Worcester Salt bag) on cvr w/enc.illus.letterhead
statement (bldg & wagons). E $14
AD-474. Lynchburg, VA, 1892, partial duplex (uneven toned) "Wanted!...
Confederate Money, Stamps... Autographs, Relics.../John W.Crawford"
h/s cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-475. Lynchburg, VA, 1903, G duplex (trim R, well into 1 stamp;
lite tone) Cosby, Menefee & Co.Grocers (Star Baking
Powder can) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-476. Lynchburg, VA, 1919, VG Univ. (lite tone) Court St.M.E.Church
South, Sunday School (church) on cvr. E $14
AD-477. (Norfolk), VA, 1905, (indistinct origin canx) partial
CDS/target (lite tone) J.W.Stebbins & (dog &
fence) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-478. Richmond, VA, 1903, F Int'l (bit lite tone) Wingo, Ellett
& Crump Shoe Co.illus.logo cc; overall back ad on cvr. E $15
AD-479. Richmond, VA, 1904, F Int'l (edge tear R) Stern &; Anvil Brand Split Ties (arm w/hammer) on back
on cvr. E $20
AD-480. Richmond, VA, 1918, F Int'l (trim R, just in back ad)
Colonial Piano; Jesse French & Sons Pianos text ad
at B; overall illus.back ad (pianos, factory); 1c Wash. on cvr.
E $12 MIN.6
AD-481. Chewelah, WA, 1912, G duplex (state mostly not struck;
trim R; upper R tip nib) Yale Hotel photo on cvr. E $15
AD-482. Longmire, WA, 1922, G+ 4-bar (lite tone; no flap) Paradise
Inn (Mt.Ranier & Inn) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-483. Seattle, WA, 1903, G+ Int'l; Rainier Grand Hotel cc on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-484. Seattle, WA, 1904, G+ Int'l (lite tone) Rainier Grand
Hotel fancy ad cc w/small illus.mountain on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-485. Seattle, WA, 1906, G+ Int'l; Hotel Seattle (w/o
flag on pole) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-486. Seattle, WA, 1906, G+ Int'l; Hotel Seattle (w/flag
on pole) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-487. Seattle, WA, 1913, VF PPIE slogan; Pacific Bottlers Supply cc (bottles) on oil window cvr. E $14
AD-488. Seattle, WA, 1914, VF PPIE slogan (bit trim L) Right Hotel (white hotel on red heart) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-489. Seattle, WA, 1916, G Int'l (edge tears R) Hotel Sorrento on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-490. Seattle/Term.Anx, WA, 1940, F Univ.; New Washington Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-491. Seattle/Term.Sta., WA, 1929, G+ Univ. (lite tone) Hotel
Frye; 2c Edison on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-492. Seattle/Term.Sta., WA, 1929, G Int'l (dial hi: "TLE,
W" mosty off; lite tone) Moore Hotel cc; on back
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-493. Spokane, WA, 1892, VG+ duplex (tiny tear T) "The
Spokane" hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-494. Spokane, WA, 1912, G Int'l (bit ruff trim L in stamp to
oval) Hotel Victoria on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-495. Spokane, WA, 1948, VG Univ.; Davenport Hotel
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-496. Walla Walla, WA, 1942, VG Int'l; Marcus Whitman Hotel on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-497. Yakima, WA, 1946, G+ duplex; Broad's Books/Stationery
cc on air/special del.cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-498. Charleston, WV, 1917, VG Int'l (o/s; lite tone; trim R;
edge tears R) Hotel Kanawha on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-499. Clarksburg, WV, 1924, G+ Univ. (lite tone) "The Waldo"
hotel; 4c M.Wash. on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-500. Clarksburg, WV, 1947, VG Univ.; Stonewall Jackson Hotel on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-501. Logan, WV, 1950, G+ Univ.; Pioneer Hotel on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AD-502. Wheeling, WV, ca.1885, G duplex (year partial; lite tone;
lower R bit nibble) New McLure House cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-503. Wheeling, WV, 1896, F Barry (bit ruff trim R, just in
stamp; lite tone) Chas.H.Berry Supply Co./Mill Supplies, etc.,
cc & text ad on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-504. Wheeling, WV, 1900, G+ Amer/B14(1) (bit ruff trim R) "The
McClure" hotel fancy ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-505. Fond du Lac, WI, 1926, VF Int'l (tears R) Hotel Retlaw on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-506. Fort Atkinson, WI, ca.1920?, G+ ovelapping vertical precanxes
(or roller?), reading up & down; Hoards Dairyman/W.D.Hoard
& Sons, Publishers cc w/photo; 1c Wash.coil (SE
at R) on cvr. E $40
AD-507. Fort Atkinson, WI, 1932, F Int'l; Hoard's Dairyman
(office bldg) at L; on back on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-508. Galesville, WI, ca.1889, G+ CDS/cork (bit ruff trim R)
Riverside Hotel cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-509. Green Bay, WI, 1926, VF Univ. (trim R) Hotel Northland on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-510. Janesville, WI, 1950, G+ Int'l; Hotel Monterey
on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-511. Madison, WI, 1904, VF duplex (lite tone; edge tears T)
Park Hotel on cvr. E $20
AD-512. Madison, WI, 1925, VF Univ. (lite tone; edge tear T; bit
cr) Hotel Loraine large on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-513. Madison, WI, 1926, VG Univ. (lite tone) Hotel Loraine
small on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-514. Madison/Sta.A, WI, 1926, VF Univ. (lower R crnr slit)
Hotel Loraine small on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-515. Milwaukee, WI, 1899, G+ duplex (part ruff trim R) Hotel
Pfister on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-516. Milwaukee, WI, 1903, G+ duplex (part ruff trim R; lite
tone) Schlitz Hotel & Palm Garden (hotel & globe
logo) on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AD-517. Milwaukee, WI, 1910, F Int'l (lite tone) Plankinton House
ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-518. Milwaukee, WI, 1915, VF Int'l (lite tone) Plankinton House
ad cc on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-519. Milwaukee, WI, 1916, VF Int'l (trim T) Hotel Pfister
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-520. Milwaukee, WI, 1917, F duplex (edge tear R; stamps partly
on hotel name) Hotel Pfister; 6x 2c Wash. on special
del.cvr. E $20
AD-521. Milwaukee, WI, 1926, G+ duplex (bit ruff trim R) Hotel
Wisconsin; 2c booklet pair on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-522. Milwaukee, WI, 1926, VG+ Univ. (bit nick upper R) Hotel
Wisconsin on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-523. Milwaukee, WI, 1926, F Univ. (tear R) Hotel Wisconsin on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-524. Milwaukee, WI, 1930, F Univ.; Hotel Medford & Hotel
Martin on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-525. Milwaukee, WI, 1940, F duplex (lite tone) Hotel Pfister
logo cc on air cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-526. Neenah, WI, 1888, partial CDS/cork (upper L crnr ruff,
in ad; lite tone) Russell House; 2c green on cvr. E $15
AD-527. Wauwatosa, WI, 1893, G+ CDS/cork; Jas.H.McBride, MD, text
ad for "Review of Insanity & Nervous Disease" on
GPC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-528. West Bend, WI, 1950, G+ Univ.; "War on Rats!"
header; 12-line notice from city re.eradication campaign &
where to get Red Squill Bait; on GPC (Sc.UX27). E $24 MIN.12
AD-529. Casper, WY, 1897, partial CDS/cork (trim R; tears R; edge
cr; lite tone) "Grand Central" hotel blue on
cvr w/2-pg.matching (red) letterhead enc. E $30 MIN.15
AD-530. Casper, WY, 1937, VF Univ.; New Gladstone Hotel fancy
ad cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-531. Cheyenne, WY, ca.1902, partial Doremus ty..C. (mostly
not struck; trim R) F.A.Meaner cc w/large illus.saddle on cvr.
E $20
AD-532. Laramie, WY, 1920, G+ Univ. (lite tone; edge tears T)
Kuster Hotel photo (name lined thru) on cvr w/Morgan,
WY, return add. E $20 MIN.10
AD-533. (Rock Springs), WY, 1938, canxed Omaha & Ogden RPO/W.D.
G+ duplex (lite tone; trim R) Park Hotel on cvr. E $15
AD-534. "BB" in circle (inverted), Mishawaka, IN, 1911,
F Amer/B14; Ball-Band Footwear header w/form on back (1c Frank.)
on PC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-535. "BB/CC(o)", Chicago, IL, 1911, G Time-Cmns tying
"A Merry Christmas" label (die-cut holly leaf) Brunswick
Balke-Collander Co.type (1c Frank.) private use on PPC. E $24
AD-536. "BIC" (ty.B137), Minneapolis, MN, 1922, G+ Univ.;
Baker Importing Co./Coffee cc (2c Wash.) on cvr w/
can on back. E $24 MIN.12
AD-537. "BP", Chicago, IL, 1929, VG Univ.; Batlett Patter
& Co.type (1c Frank.) private use on PPC. E $20 MIN.10
AD-538. "C(BT)O" (ty.C52; reversed), New York/Wall St.Sta.,
NY, 1918, VG Univ.; Bankers Trust Co.printed message on back;
1c Wash. on 1c GPC. E $15
AD-539. "C(CO)" (ty.C83), Chicago, IL, 1915, VF Int'l
(no flap) Cook County type (2c Wash.) private use on cvr. E $12
AD-540. "C(NL)" (inverted; few blind perfs), Boston,
MA, 1918, F Amer/A38 "Food Will Win"; Columbian Nat'l
Life cc (3c Wash.) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-541. "C/GW", Oelwein & Omaha/RPO, 1911, G duplex
(crnr cr) Chicago Great Western RR type (faulty 1c Frank.) private
use on PPC. E $8
AD-542. "CF", Omaha, NE, 1915, G+ Int'l; Columbia Fire
Underwriters printed message on back (1c Wash.) on PC. E $16
AD-543. "CHI" (ty.C152-15), Aurora, IL, 1909, VF Amer/B14
w/dateless dial (lite tone) Princeton, IL, Int'l Harvester dealer
return add. (1c Frank.); perfin type w/unattributed city on ad
PPC. E $24
AD-544. "CLA", Bloomington, IL, 1910, G Amer/B14();
Chicago, Lake Shore & Alton type (1c Frank.) private use on
PPC. E $8
AD-545. "DD/NB", Chicago/Stockyard Sta., IL, 1919, VG
Univ. (toned) Drovers Nat'l Bank form on back (2x 1c Wash.) on
PC. E $20 MIN.10
AD-546. "FML" ("F" mostly not punched; few
blind perfs in "ML"), Cresson, PA, 1939, G+ duplex (3c
Prexie) on preaddressed cvr to Fidelity Mutual Life, Philadelphia.
SCARCE type. E $30
AD-547. "G(C(o))" (ty.G62), New York/Sta.E, NY, 1908,
VG Int'l; Gorham Co.type (1c Sc.300) apparent private use on PPC.
E $20
AD-548. "GA", Chicago, IL, 1915, VF Int'l (toned; crs;
edge tears) German American (bit faulty 2c Wash.) on
#10 cvr. E $15
AD-549. "HOYT" (inverted), Chicago, IL, 1913, F Int'l
(toned; pen note R) W.M.Hoyt Co.Grocers cc (2c Wash.) on window
cvr. E $20
AD-550. "HOYT", Chicago, IL, 1914, F Int'l (lite tone;
pen note R) W.M.Hoyt Co.Grocers cc: bldg (2c Wash.) on
window cvr. E $20
AD-551. "HOYT", Chicago, IL, 1916, F Int'l (o/s; pen
note R) W.M.Hoyt Co.Grocers cc: bldg; overall illus.back
ad: products (2c Wash.) on window cvr. E $20
AD-552. "HR/M" (sideways; split: shifted about 50%),
San Francisco, CA, 1925, G+ CDS/target; Harron, Rickard &
McCone logo cc (12c Frank.pair) on #10 air cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-553. "J/L" (ty.J84), Philadelphia, PA, 1911, F Int'l
(sealed spindle) John Lucas & Co.illus.paint can at L; text
ad on back (2c Wash.) on PC (reply card removed from T). E $15
AD-554. "JIC", Racine, WI, 1918, partial duplex (ruff
R, well into 1 stamp; lite tone) J.I.Case hand holding
steel plow (bit faulty 1c Wash.w/perfin; strip 4x 3c Wash.coils
w/o perfin, 1 very faulty) on special del cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AD-555. "JMH", Lexington, KY, 1913, VG Univ.; J.M.Hanson
Magazine Ag'y printed rec't at L (1c Wash.) on ad PPC. E $24 MIN.12
AD-556. "K & M" (ty.K72), Ambler, PA, 1917, G+ Amer/A6;
Keasbey & Mattison ad cc; "If it's made of Asbestos we've
got it!" red ad at B (2c Wash.) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-557. "M" in circle, Lansing, MI, 1911, VF Time-Cmns
(trim R) Attorney' Gen'l's Office cc (2c Wash.) on cvr. E $15
AD-558. "M & M" (ty.M296), Wall Street Sta., NY,
ca.1919, G+ mute oval (bit trim L) Mechanics & Metals Nat'l
Bank cc; 10c Frank on reg'd 3c PSE. E $24 MIN.12
AD-559. "McP", Kansas City, MO, 1909, VG Int'l (o/s)
McPike Drug Co.type (1c Frank.) private use on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-560. "MOR/RIS" (ty.M195), Kansas City, MO, 1915,
F Univ. (lite tone; pen note R) Morris &; illus.back
ad: ham (2c Wash.) on window cvr. E $16
AD-561. "MOR/RIS" (ty.M195; reversed), Kansas City,
MO, 1923, F Univ. (o/s; lite tone; pen note R; edge tear R) Morris
&; illus.back ad: ham (2c Wash.) on window cvr. E $16
AD-562. "NL(Y)" (ty.N113), Hudson Term.Sta., NY, 1912,
VF Int'l (trim R; upper R tip nib; part lite soiled) N.Y.Life
cc (2c Wash.) on window cvr w/enc. E $12 MIN.6
AD-563. "NL/CO" (ty.N107; reversed), Kansas City, MO,
1914, F Univ. (1c Wash.) Nat'l Lead Co., St.Louis, saleman's notice
on ad PPC. E $20
AD-564. "OKH", Memphis, TN, 1910, G+ Int'l; O.K.Houck
Piano Co.logo & printed "script" ad at L (1c Frank.);
25-line poem ("Memphis, Tenn.") on pix side of thick
ad PPC. E $40
AD-565. "PP/CO" (ty.P185), Cleveland, OH, [1920], G+
Univ. (pinholes, 1 in stamp) Penton Publishing Co."Power
Boating" magazine ad & rect (1c Wash.) on RED PC. E $12
AD-566. "PP/CO" (ty.P185), Cleveland, OH, 1923, G+ Int'l;
Penton Publishing Co."Iron Trade Review" magazine ad
& rect (1c Wash.) on RED PC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-567. "PPI/ECO", San Francisco, CA, 1916, F Int'l;
Panama-Pacific Int'l Expo printed cc w/"Official Coin &
Medal Dept." h/s above; 1c Balboa Sc.397 pair w/"PPI/ECO"
perfin on #10 cvr. E $30
AD-568. "PRR/Co" (ty.P200), Chico, CA, 1916, G Amer/B14;
Penna.RR type (1c Wash.) private use on PPC. E $14
AD-569. "PSC" (ty.P208), Dayton/Sta.D, OH, 1920, partial
Univ.; Penn.State College type (2c Wash.) private use on cvr (tears
T). E $14
AD-570. "R/& CO" (ty.R159), Chicago, IL, 1909, G+
Int'l (lite tone) Rothschild & Co.type (1c Frank.) private
use on PPC. E $20 MIN.10
AD-571. "RI" (ty.R75), New York/Penn.Term.Sta., NY,
1915, G+ Univ.; Chicago, RI & Pacific RR type (1c Wash.) private
use on PPC. E $8
AD-572. "SC(C(o))" (ty.S69), Gaza, IA, ca.1908, G RFD
2F/1 (lite tone; edge tear T) Spiegel Cooper Co.type (1c Sc.300)
private use on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AD-573. "SP" (ty.S213A), Memphis, TN, 1913, G+ Int'l
(tip crs) Southern Pacific type (1c Wash.) private use on PPC.
E $8
AD-574. "STL/SW" (ty.S284; bit shifted to R), Kingsley,
AR, 1917, G+ duplex; St.Louis Southwestern RR type (1c Wash.)
on Cotton Belt Route PPC datelined "Somewhere in southern
Arkansas"; used by passenger, as intended. E $15 MIN.8
AD-575. "STL/SW" (ty.S284; inverted), St.Louis, MO,
1914, F Int'l; St.Louis Southwestern RR type; Gen'l Pass.Ag't
ad at L (1c Wash.) on PPC. E $14
AD-576. "T & O/C" ("C" partly off B edge),
Pleasantville, OH, 1913, partial duplex; Toledo & Ohio Central
Rwy type (1c Wash.) private use on PPC. E $20
AD-577. "UP" (ty.U60; shifted to R), Omaha & Denver/RPO,
1918, G duplex; Union Pacific RR type (pair 1c Wash.) passenger
use, as intended on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AD-578. "W" (ty.W7F), Cleveland, OH, 1933, F Int'l;
Amer.Steel & Wire on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-579. "W/EM", Ottumwa, IA, 1910, G+ Time-Cmns (2c
Wash.) private use, but on Westinghouse PPC. E $14
AD-580. "W/EM", East Pittsburgh, PA, ca.1913, partial
mute oval; Westinghouse Club cc (1c Wash.) on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AD-581. "WC", Milwaukee, WI, 1935, VF Univ.; Supreme
Forest Woodmen Circle cc (2c Sc.634) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-582. Colophon (pictorial perfin ty.14), East Aurora, NY, 1914,
G+ Int'l; Alice Hubbard cc (2c Wash.) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AD-583. Schermack Control #236, Hudson Term.Sta., NY, 1910, VF
Int'l (no flap; bit trim T) Motor/Nat'l Magazine of Motoring ad
cc (2c Wash.w/Schermack ty.3 perfs) on cvr. This type supposedly
confirmed as used by Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, disproved here?
Also listed in "Stamps on Cover" section. E $600 MIN.300
AD-584. Schermack Control #5689, New York/Sta.D, NY, 1910, VF
Int'l (no flap; bit trim T) John Wanamaker cc (2c Wash.w/Schermack
ty.3 perfs) on cvr. Also listed in "Stamps on Cover"
section. E $500 MIN.250
AM-1. AAMC CAM #34E13: Amarillo, TX, 1930 (Oct 25), G Int'l; Stutz
Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, IN, cc; pictorial cachet; 5c T.Roosevelt
on #10 air cvr. E $8
AM-2. AAMC CAM #3S9: Ponca City, OK, [1927] (Apr 4), G+ mute double
oval (part lite tone) CAM 3/1:30 PM purple cachet on air cvr.
E $14
AM-3. AAMC Canada Flight 505e: Red Lake, ON, Canada, 1928 (Jan
25), VG split-ring CDS; "Western Canada Airways Ltd/date/Red
Lake, Ont." blue h/s at L on cvr to A.C.Roessler, East Orange,
NJ. E $100
AM-4. AAMC Catapult Flight #10: U.S.Ger Sea Post/S.S.Europa, 1930
(Mar 29), VF duplex (edge tear T) 5c globe air +3 more U.S.stamps
on air cvr to Germany. E $60 MIN.30
AM-5. AAMC Catapult Flights #31: New York, NY, 1930 (Aug 13),
G+ meter; "Via Europa Ship to Shore" h/s; "Europa-Southampton/21
Sep" pictorial cachet on cvr to Germany. E $40
AM-6. AAMC Early Foreign Flights/Monaco 1c: Rallye Aerien, Monaco,
Avril 1914, VF DCDS; 2 strikes on pix side of unmailed event PPC,
1 tying pictorial event label (couple cr perfs). E $30
AM-7. AAMC Int'l Dirigible Mails #Z-511: Lakehurst, NJ, 1932 (Aug
1), G+ Int'l; "Tactical Training/USS Akron" pictorial
h/s cachet at L on air cvr (back h/s nearly invisible). E $24
AM-8. AAMC International Dirigible Mail #Z-507: Air Mail Service/New
York, 1925 (Apr 27), G+ red 4-bar o/s by San Juan, PR, F
transit on cvr to Puerto Rico. E $50
AM-9. AAMC Interrupted Flight #31.2: Seattle/Term.Sta., WA, 1931,
VG Univ. (edge tear L) "Delayed by plane crash near/Washougal
Wa 1-22-33" bit heavy inked h/s (ty.e); Boeing Air Transport
cc on #10 air PSE w/enc."Airgraph" 9x19" newsletter.
E $75
AM-10. AAMC Lindberghiana #129: Detroit, MI, 1927, F duplex (edge
tears T) 10c Lindbergh air on cvr w/pictorial h/s cachet. E $15
AM-11. AAMC Newfoundland #25: St.Johns, Newfoundland, 1931 (May
24), VG Int'l; 15c air on cvr w/Burin North G+ boxed h/s as b/s.
E $50
AM-12. AAMC Trans-Oceanic Record Flight #1230: San Francisco,
CA, 1935 (Apr 16), VG Int'l on air cvr w/Honolulu, HI, tying 6c
as return postage; San Francisco, CA, duplex tying fwd postage.
E $24
AM-13. AAMC Trans-Oceanic Record Flight #1230a: Honolulu, HI,
1935 (Apr 22), F Int'l on air cvr w/San Francisco, CA, duplex
tying 3c as fwd. E $20
AM-14. AAMC Trans-Oceanic Record Flight #1276: Aircraft Base Force/U.S.Fleet,
1937 (Jan 28), VF 3-bar w/"San Diego/Calif." in bars;
"1st Flight/San Diego to Pearl Harbor" boxed h/s cachet
on air PSE. E $24
AM-15. AAMC U.S.CAM Route #3S1: Chicago, IL, 1926, VG purple TCDS;
2c Sesquicent'l +13c Harrison on air cvr. E $20
AM-16. AAMC U.S.Gov't Flight #166(n): San Francisco, CA, 1929
(Jul 1), G+ duplex; 24c air Sc.C6 on 2c PSE. E $50
AM-17. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #110e: Chicago, IL, 1918 (Dec
18), F Int'l; 16c Sc.C2 on cvr. E $50
AM-18. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #138c: LaCrosse, WI, 1921
(Jan 10), G+ Univ.; "Via Air Post/First Trip/LaCross-Twin
Cities" h/s; 2c Wash.offset on cvr. E $40
AM-19. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #156a: Hartford, CT, 1922
(Oct 6), F Univ. "Hartford Aviation Meet" slogan #1
(EKU); "Via Airplane Mail/First Trip." h/s; 2c Wash.
on cvr. E $30
AM-20. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #171a: Birmingham, AL, 1925
(Apr 17), G+ duplex; "Experimental Flight/New Orleans to
Chicago" h/s; Birmingham-Southern College Endowment Fund
cc; 8c air Sc.C4 on cvr. E $60
AM-21. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176: New York/City Hall Sta.,
NY, 1925 (Jul 1), VG duplex (edge tear R) "Air Mail/Overnight
Flight/New York to Chicago" h/s; pair 5c Norse on cvr. E
AM-22. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176: New York/City Hall Sta.,
NY, 1925 (Jul 1), G+ duplex; "Air Mail/First Overnight Flight/New
York to Chicago" h/s; 10c Monroe on cvr. E $24
AM-23. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176: New York/GPO, NY, 1925
(Jul 1), F duplex (lite tone) "Air Mail/First Overnight Flight/New
York to Chicago" h/s; pair 5c Roosevelt on cvr. E $20
AM-24. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176: Philadelphia/Kensington
Sta., PA, 1925 (Jul 1), partial duplex; 5x 2c Norse (single +block/4)
on cvr w/partial Chicago 4-bar as b/s. E $20
AM-25. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176: Philadelphia/Kensington
Sta., PA, 1925 (Jul 1), G+ duplex; pair 5c Norse on cvr w/partial
Chicago 4-bar as b/s. E $24
AM-26. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176 a: Air Mail Field, Bellefonte,
PA, 1925 (Jul 1), VG 4-bar; "Air Mail/First Overnight Flight/New
York to Chicago" h/s; 8c Sc.C4 +2c Norse on cvr. E $50
AM-27. AAMC U.S.Governmental Flight #176(var): New York/Mad.Sq.Sta.,
NY, 1925 (Jul 2), VG duplex (lite crs) "Air Mail/Overnight
Flight/New York to Chicago" h/s w/"First" EXCISED
from 2nd line; 8c air Sc.C4 +2c +1c on 1c PSE. 2nd day of service.
E $20
AM-28. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight # 3c: Aeroplane Station No.1/Garden
City Estates, NY, 1911 (Oct 1, w/inverted "1"), G+ 4-bar
(cr; tear T; trim L about 3/4") "Aerial Special Despatch"
h/s at L on PSE. E $200 MIN.100
AM-29. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight # 4: Aeroplane Station No.1/St.Louis,
Mo., Aviation Field, 1911 (Oct 4), G+ 4-bar (near VF) on PPC.
E $200 MIN.100
AM-30. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #32: By Aerial Route/June 6,-7,-8,
1912/Evansville, Ind./Courier Aviation Meet., 1912, G+ fancy pictorial
h/s (pictorial plane mostly on stamp) on PPC. E $200 MIN.100
AM-31. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #58: By Aerial Route L/Sept.26,
27, 28, 1912/Aviation Field, McLeansboro, Ills., 1912, F+ purple
straight-line h/s w/pictorial killer (pictorial plane part spotty)
on "Aviation & Street Circus" PPC (pilot & plane).
E $200 MIN.100
AM-32. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #60a: Aeroplane Station/State/Fair
Grounds/Springfield, Ill., 1912 (Oct 8), G+ CDS (lite tone) on
PPC. E $300 MIN.150
AM-33. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #79: First Aeroplane Post Office/Clayton,
New Mex., 1914 (Sep 17), G+ purple fancey double-oval on REAL
PHOTO PPC: "Union County Fair/Martin Tractor,/Loop-the-Loop
Aeroplane,/Floyd J.Smith,/Aviator." (men & plane). Newly
discovered example in an OLD collection. E $2000
AM-34. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #79: First Aeroplane Post Office/Clayton,
New Mex., 1914 (Sep 18), VG+ purple fancey double-oval on REAL
PHOTO PPC (plane in flight) w/pencil note in sky: "aroplain
carring mail to Post Office" (sic). Newly discovered example
in an OLD collection. E $2000
AM-35. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #79: First Aeroplane Post Office/Clayton,
New Mex., 1914 (Sep 18), F purple fancey double-oval on REAL PHOTO
PPC (closeup of plane & pilot holding large mail bag) w/pencil
note on fuselage & wing: "This caried by aroplaine/to
Post office" (sic). Newly discovered example in an OLD collection.
E $2000
AM-36. AAMC U.S.Pioneer Flight #85: Rock Island, IL, 1915 (Aug
15), G+ duplex (toned) "Illinois' First Aeroplane Mail/Rock
Island Expo.Park, Aug.14, 1915/Carried by Patterson Aviators"
h/s on PPC. E $400 MIN.200
AM-37. AAMC U.S.Souvenir Historical Flight #567b: Philadelphia/Middle
City Sta., PA, 1926 (Dec 3), VG Int'l; Cobham 1st U.S.Overland
Flight TCDS cachet; printed cachet at L on PSE to Worden; REMAILED
(on back) at Washington, DC, on same day. E $20
AM-38. AAMC U.S.Souvenir Historical Flights #601: New York, NY,
1929 (Jun 9), F Int'l; "1st Air Mail Pick-Up at Sea/Adams
Air Mail" cachet; "Delivery & Pickup/Postponed"
lite blue h/s on cvr. E $20
AM-39. AAMC Zeppelin Post #Z-157a: Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1931,
G+ red pictorial DCDS (upper R on stamp) 1fr Zeppelin air (Sc.C7)
on PPC (Zepp & landing crew) w/Lausanne, Switzerland, F DCDS
as recd. E $120 MIN.60
AM-40. AAMC Zeppelin Post #Z-220a: Miami, FL, 1933 (Oct 23), VF
Int'l; 50c Zeppelin air (Sc.C18) on cacheted cvr w/Chicago, IL,
VF Cent.of Prog.slogan #1 as recd b/s. E $120 MIN.60
AM-41. AAMC Zeppelin Post Z-216d: New York, NY, 1933 (Oct 2),
G+ Int'l; 3x 50c Zepp (Sc.C18) on cacheted 1st day cvr. Also listed
in "First Days" section. E $250 MIN.130
AM-42. AAMC Zeppelin Posts #Z152a: Stettin, Germany, 1931 (May
3), VF DCDS; green pictorial h/s cachet; 1m air (Sc.C32) on air
cvr to U.S. E $50 MIN.26
AM-43. AAMC Zeppelin Posts #Z155c: Copenhagen, Denmark, 1931 (May
14), VF DCDS; purple pictorial h/s cachet; 1m air (Sc.C32) on
air cvr to U.S. E $80 MIN.40
AM-44. AAMC Zeppelin Posts #Z155d: Lubeck, Germany, 1931 (May
14), F+ DCDS; purple pictorial h/s cachet; 1m air (Sc.C32) on
air cvr to U.S. E $60 MIN.30
AM-45. AAMC Zeppelin Posts #Z219c: Recife, Brasil, 1933 (Oct 20),
G+ DCDS (no flap) Brasil Condor triangular h/s cachet on air cvr
to U.S. E $40 MIN.20
AM-46. AAMC Zeppelin Posts Z511: Lakehurst, NJ, 1932 (Aug 1),
G+ Int'l; "Tactical Trainging Flight/USS Akron" purple
pictorial h/s cachet; 5c globe +3c Wash. on air cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AM-47. Los Angeles, CA, 1933, G Univ. (cr) Hall of Records Supervisor
cc; "Nat'l Air Races" 47x37mm die-cut pictorial ad label
tied on cvr. E $20
AM-48. Rattlesnake Buttes, CO, 1938 (May 21), VG 4-bar (bit stutter)
Nat'l Air Mail Week cachet (18-38) on air cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AM-49. Rocky Ford, CO, 1938 (May 16), VG duplex; Nat'l Air Mail
Week/Watermelon Days cachet on PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AM-50. Skull Creek, CO, 1938 (May 21), VG 4-bar; Nat'l Air Mail
Week cachet (29-50) on air cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AM-51. Louisville, GA, 1938 (May 19), VG duplex; "Nat'l Air
Mail Week/Original Slave Market in Georgia's First Capitol"
large pictorial h/s on air cvr. E $15
AM-52. Liverpool, Great Britain, 1934 (Dec 1), VG machine; Hillman's
Airways/1 Airmail illus.cachet on cvr to Belfast. E $12 MIN.6
AM-53. Galesburg, IL, 1912, G+ Amer/B14 (upper L tip nib; bit
cr) "Aeroplane Mail/Station" 33mm blue-green double-rim
h/s w/star in center; 2c Wash. on PPC "Via Airship from Uncle
Will" to Macomb, IL. E $500 MIN.250
AM-54. Peoria, IL, 1930, F Univ.; "Land, Air & Water
Meet" & "Air Circus Murphy Field/JVLY (sic) 13-14..."
h/s on air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AM-55. Saginaw, MI, 1929 (May 21), G+ DCDS as recd b/s (part lite
tone) "2nd Anniv./Lindbergh Day" blue pictorial h/s;
portrait cachet; 15c Liberty + faulty 5c beacon air on reg'd cvr
to Canada. E $15
AM-56. Saginaw, MI, 1929 (May 21), G+ DCDS as recd b/s (bit lite
tone) "2nd Anniv./Lindbergh Day" purple pictorial h/s;
portrait cachet; 15c Liberty + 5c beacon air on reg'd cvr to Canada.
E $16
AM-57. Minneapolis/Air Mail, MN, 1936, F duplex (lite tone; tear
R) "This envelope approved by U.S.Post Office Dept.for Air
Mail Only. Use for other purposes not permitted." printed
on back of #10 cvr w/air mail border. E $15 MIN.8
AM-58. Saint Louis, MO, 1937, VG Int'l (scuff spot by add.) "Int'l
Aerobatic Competition" pictorial h/s cachet in message area
on PPC mailed during event. E $15
AM-59. Norfolk, NE, 1938 (May 19), G+ duplex; "Special Flight/date/Norfolk
To Omaha." h/s on air PSE to Denver. E $15 MIN.8
AM-60. Lakehurst, NJ, 1933 (May 30), VF Int'l; USS Akron, U.S.Naval
Air; Akron memorial cachet on back; 8c globe air on unopened
cvr w/enc. E $15 MIN.8
AM-61. Syracuse, NY, 1929 (Aug 28), VG duplex; "Philadelphia-Cleveland/Syracuse/Air
Races" h/s cachet on air PSE. E $14
AM-62. Air Mail Field, Bryan, OH, 1925, G+ 4-bar (BRY-1) (tiny
tear T) 8c (Sc.4) on cvr. E $20
AM-63. Air Mail Field/Cleveland, OH, 1931, G+ duplex; Nat'l Air
Races, Exec.Offices, Hotel Cleveland cc; 2 diff.illus.logos at
L (red/blue & red only) overall on back (planes;
tower) on #10 air cvr mailed last day of event. E $20 MIN.10
AX-1. New York/Gd.Cent.Sta., NY, 1958, VG Int'l (crs; tiny tear
T) ".04c Due Mr. Green/Thank You" ms pen note applied
at Oakland, CA; pair 2c dues tied by mute oval on #10 cvr mailed
w/o stamp. E $15 MIN.8
AX-2. Phoenix, AZ, 1964, G+ machine (dial bit hi) "1st class
contains writing" & "T 36 Ctms" & "Postage
Due___Cents" h/s; 5c Wash.coil on cvr to Korea. E $15 MIN.8
AX-3. Jelm, WY, 1909, G CDS/cork; "3/Residence as given,
not in/Carriers Delivery District" h/s on PPC to Los Angeles.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-4. San Francisco, CA, 1966, G+ machine; "A form is available
at the post office for notifying your correspondents and publishers
of your correct address." 3-line h/s applied at Oakland,
CA, on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-5. Buffalo, NY, 1944, G+ meter (crs) "Accidently Killed/date/Ross
G.Hanks/1st Lt.A.C./Intelligence Officer" h/s w/his signature;
"Verified/1st Base Post Office" w/"Return to Sender"
pointing hand boxed h/s; Marine Trust on #10 cvr. E $60
AX-6. Minneapolis, MN, 1938, VG Univ.; "Address supplied
by Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn." dated private h/s (o/s
by canx) on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-7. Atlantic City, NJ, 1951, G+ Int'l (trim L) "Addressee
Rotated Left/No Forwarding Address" h/s (lower line partly
off B edge) applied at FPO San Francisco on cvr to Marine. E $15
AX-8. Harding, MA, 1908, G+ duplex; "Advertised/date/Rockland,
Me." h/s on PPC. E $14
AX-9. Belleville, IL, [1886], GG duplex (upper R tip slit) "Advertised/Not
Called For/Cannot Be Found" h/s; 1c due (Sc.J1) on cvr to
St.Louis w/partial "Dead Letter Office" triangle h/s
on back. E $30
AX-10. (Washington, PA), ca.1970s?, (no origin canx; heavy cr)
"Appears to be pd." ms in upper R crnr on PC. E $14
AX-11. Bombay, India, 1944, partial DCDS (ruff edges w/brown tape
repair) "As Received/Postal Censor" h/s (2 on front,
2 on back) censor tape L; Delhi, India, VG DCDS as transit b/s
on 5x6.25" cvr to Delhi, NY. E $20
AX-12. Carmichael, PA, 1908, G duplex (lite tone) "Atlantic
City,N.J./Gen'l Delivery Div'n/date" h/s on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-13. Los Angeles, CA, 1988, G+ machine; Kansas City, MO, "Attempted/Not
Known/Return to Sender" slogan machine w/dateless dial at
lower L on PC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-14. Sidney, MT, 1917, G+ duplex (lite tone) "Back the
Boys..." h/s applied at Independence, MO, on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-15. Golden, CO, 1939, VG Int'l; "Buffalo Bill's Memorial
Museum" private circled h/s on museum PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-16. Golden, CO, ca.1940s, G mute box; "Buffalo Bill's
Memorial Museum & Tomb/Alt.7375 Ft./Lookout Mtn./Colorado"
34mm diam.private h/s; 2c Prexie on 4.25x6" 9-panel Museum
& mountain pictorial folder. E $15 MIN.8
AX-17. Golden, CO, 1946, VG Int'l (stamp fault) "Buffalo
Bill/In Colorado/Week" & "Buffalo Bill Cent'l/Museum
& Tomb" private h/s on cvr w/related cachet. E $15 MIN.8
AX-18. "By Safe Hand" as only h/s marking (bit spotty);
"Certified wholly official." typed on flap, by printed
British seal, signed by sender; ca.1960s? (tears T & in flap)
on "Air Mail." cvr to G.E. Cummings, 1025 Vermont Ave
NW Washington, DC (current address for Jewish Telegraphic Agency).
E $20
AX-19. Cortland, NY, 1912, VG Int'l; "Called to Carriers."
h/s on PPC to Syracuse, IN; fwd to Mt.Vernon, OH. E $12 MIN.6
AX-20. (Findlay, OH), 1909, partial Amer/B14 (angled; dial mostly
off T; toned) "Called to Carriers." & "To avoid
delay..." h/s on PPC to Mt.Vernon, OH. E $10 MIN.5
AX-21. Galesburg, IL, 1916, VG Colum.(crs) "Cannot Locate"
& "To avoid delay in delivery..." h/s on PPC to
Kewanee, IL. E $15 MIN.8
AX-22. Baltimore, MD, 1913, VG Int'l; "Change Noted"
(re.sender's change of address) & "Vol.10 Sent"
private h/s applied by Testimony Publishing Co, Chicago; on PPC.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-23. San Francisco, CA, 1933, G+ Int'l & duplex (bit ruff
T) "Closed Left Notice." h/s & carrier's initials
applied at Sacramento, CA; 8c air + 10c special del.+ 3c Expo
on air special del.cvr to Bureau of Plant Pathology. E $20
AX-24. Ventura, CA, 1937, G duplex; "Closed-Left Notice"
h/s on air/special del.cvr to Sacramento, CA. E $20
AX-25. (Indistinct town), Uruguay, 1945, partial DCDS; "Collect
10c Postage Due/For Customer Service" h/s; "Passed Free/U.S.Customs"
partial h/s on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-26. Bloomington, IL, 1930, VG duplex; "D.,Bremen/not on
board" dated straight-line h/s w/MANY more markingd on special
del.cvr to passenger on ship, landing at N.Y. E $20
AX-27. Waterbury, CT, 1994, G 4-bar (ruff B tape repaired) "Damaged
by Automatic Machinery in the Postal Service" h/s (part heavy
inked) on #10 cvr w/thick enc., all in plastic "body bag".
E $15 MIN.8
AX-28. St.Paul, MN, 1936, F Univ. (brown paper tape repair; edge
tear T; back tears) "Damaged by canceling machine" h/s;
6c Garfield on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-29. (Origin unknown), ca.1909, (upper R crnr gone, removing
stamp; tears; crs; toned) "Damaged by Canceling Machine/M.S."
h/s on PPC to Truman, MN. E $20
AX-30. Newark, NJ, 1949, G Univ. (3.25" tear R, repaired
w/brown paper tape on back) "Damaged by Cancelling Machine"
h/s on back of UX27 GPC, w/Fresno/Barton Sta., CA, VF duplex,
apparently filling request. E $15 MIN.8
AX-31. Louisville, KY, 1947, G+ duplex (lower L crnr ruff; tears;
piece out by add.; crs) "Damaged by Cancelling Machine"
h/s (x2); sender's "PLEASE HAND STAMP" ms instruction
on cvr to St.Louis Pencil Co. E $20
AX-32. (Origin unknown), ca.1940, partial machine canx (tears;
crs; ruff T & L) "Damaged by Cancelling Machine"
h/s tying brown paper repair tape, at L & on back of cvr.
E $20
AX-33. Los Angeles, CA, 1947, G Univ. (long tear T repaired w/brown
paper tape INSIDE; flap resealed w/brown tape) "Damaged by
cancelling machine/Los Angeles" h/s on #10 cvr. E $20
AX-34. (St.Louis, MO), ca.1940s, VG target killer only (brown
paper strips repair tears B; crs) "Damaged By Rain"
h/s; 1c Prexie on PPC. E $75
AX-35. Los Angeles/Term.Anx, CA, 1956, F DCDS (trim L) "Damaged
by Rain, Postage O.K./Los Angeles, Calif." h/s applied where
stamp gone on cvr w/enc. E $40
AX-36. Miami Beach, FL, 1950 (Mar 25), VF Int'l (B edge water
toned) "Damaged in Fire in Railway Mail Car/Daggett, California"
h/s on PSE. E $20
AX-37. Santa Ana, CA, 1989, G DCDS (upper L crnr ruff into cc,
repaired w/tape) "Damaged in Handling in the Postal Service.
Please Accept Our Apology" h/s on #10 window PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AX-38. Santa Ana/Main Office, CA, 1987, G DCDS/roller (tape repaired
tears; crs) "Damaged in Handling in the Postal Service. Please
Accept Our Apology." h/s on 3.5x8.5" 4-panel folded
flyer to Las Cruces, NM. E $15 MIN.8
AX-39. Austin, TX, 1994, G 4-bar (tape repaired ruff L, into return
add.) "Damaged in Handling USPS/Please Accept Our Apology/Austin
TX 78710-9998" h/s on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-40. Boston, MA, 1961, G+ machine (brown paper tape & cello
tape repairs) "Damaged in Handling/in the Postal Service/Back
Bay Annex Boston 17, Mass" h/s; 2x 6c T.Roosevelt on #10
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-41. Long Beach, CA, 1980s, G+ DCDS (large piece of lower R
crnr gone; repaired w/tape; crs) "Damaged in Handling/In
the Postal Service/Please Accept Our Apology" h/s on #10
cvr to San Francisco. E $15 MIN.8
AX-42. Rochester, MN, 1991, G 4-bar (tape repaired tears; multi-crs)
"Damaged in Handling/Our Apologies/Post Office/Rochester,
MN 55901" h/s on window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-43. Phoenix, AZ, 1987, G DCDS (L crnr crs; tape repair on back)
"Damaged in Handling/Please Accept Our Apologies/U.S.Postal
Service" h/s on #10 cvr to Lake Oswego, OR. E $12 MIN.6
AX-44. Fort Worth, TX, 1991, F duplex (tape repaired tear; crs)
"Damaged in Handling/Please accept our apologies/U.S.Postal
Service/Ft Worth TX 76161" h/s on GPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-45. Fort Worth, TX, 1985, G+ DCDS (long tears at B repaired
w/tape; lower R tip ruff) "Damaged in Handling/Please accept
our apologies/U.S.Postal Service/Ft.Worth, TX 76101" h/s
on #10 cvr to Winston-Salem, NC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-46. Grand Forks, ND, 1995, G+ 4-bar (long tear T) "Damaged
in Handling/Please Accept Our Apologies/U.S.Postal Service/Grand
Forks, N N 58201" h/s w/ERROR in state: "NN" for
"ND"; bit heavy inked but shows well; on #10 window
cvr. E $24 MIN.12
AX-47. San Diego, CA, 1989, G machine (dial hi; tape repairs on
flap) "Damaged in Handling/Please Accept Our Apologies/U.S.Postal
Services/San Diego, California 92199" h/s" h/s on #10
window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-48. St.Paul, MN, 1993, G+ 4-bar (tape repairs; crs; part soiled)
"Damaged in Processing By High Speed Can celling Equpment.
Please Accetp Our Apoogy. U.S.Postal Service/Saint Paul, MN 55101"
h/s on 3.75x8" window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-49. Chicago, IL, 1908, F Int'l (L crnrs burned off; lite tone;
stamp gone) "Damaged in Wreck." h/s w/"on C &
A & Big Four" penciled below on PPC. Also listed in "Railroad:
Related" section. E $100 MIN.50
AX-50. Pittsburgh, PA, 1992, G+ machine (dark 17mm wide vertical
mark thru stamp & add., maybe from machine oil, taped over;
part soiled) PARTIAL "Damaged..." 5-line h/s applied
at Boston (mostly obscured) on GPC Sc.UX163. E $15
AX-51. Montreal, Canada, [1934], F Imperial (crs) "Deficiency/In/Address/Supplied
By/Clk.5/St.Paul, Minn.P.O." circled h/s on PPC. E $6
AX-52. Cleveland, OH, 1910, VG+ Int'l; "Delayed because of
no response" h/s ("NSE" not struck) on PPC to Toledo,
OH. E $15 MIN.8
AX-53. Lyons, NE, 1917, partial duplex (stamp about 1/2 peeled)
"Directory trial at/No.3" h/s & ms address clarification
applied at Cleveland, OH, on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-54. Mont Alto, PA, 1912, G+ duplex (toned) purple "Disenfected."
h/s ty.2A (part on stamp) on PPC. E $90 MIN.46
AX-55. Mont Alto, PA, 1909, G+ duplex (crnr cr) purple "Disinfected."
h/s ty.1 on PPC. E $60 MIN.30
AX-56. Mont Alto, PA, 1913, G+ duplex; magenta "Disinfected."
h/s ty.4 on PPC. E $90 MIN.46
AX-57. Pittsburgh, PA, 1954, G+ duplex (crs) "Dispatched
by Train to Avoid Delay" h/s on #10 window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-58. Geneva, NE, [1917], G+ duplex; "Do your bit!..."
h/s on PPC to Tobias, NE. E $12 MIN.6
AX-59. (Hastings, NE), [1917], (no origin canx; crs; tip nick)
"Do your bit!..." h/s on PPC to Colome, SD. E $14
AX-60. New Orleans, LA, 1864, VG DCDS/target (edge tear B) circled
"Due 6" h/s on cvr. E $14
AX-61. Seymour, IN, [1870], G CDS/cork (town partial; trim L)
BOLD blue circled "Due/3"; 3c locomotive on cvr to Circleville,
OH. E $30
AX-62. Ventura, CA, 1968, VF machine (lite crs) "Embargo/Return
to Sender" h/s on #10 PSE to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
AX-63. Pasco, WA, 1987, G DCDS/roller (slight ruff slit R) "Evidence
of Postage Affixed" h/s across blank area at upper R on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-64. Anaheim, CA, 1973, G DCDS/roller (bit trim 3 sides) "Evidence
of Postage Having Been Affixed" h/s tying large remnant (full
backing of stamp) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-65. North Bay, CA, 1989, G 4-bar (BIG piece torn away at upper
R; staple repairs below tear; bit uneven trim B) "Evidence
Postage Was Affixed" & "We Regret Damage Caused
by Processing Equipment" printed on 2 computer labels; on
cvr. E $30
AX-66. Pensacola, FL, 1967, G+ machine (stamp gone) "Evidence
Postage Was Affixed/One Rate OK'd" boxed h/s on air cvr to
San Francisco. E $20
AX-67. Minneapolis, MN, 1961, G+ DCDS (stamp gone) "Evidence
Postage/was affixed/one rate ok'd" h/s at upper R on cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-68. Oakland, CA, 1975, G+ 4-bar (state not struck; bit trim
T) "Evidently Postage Was Affixed/One Rate O.K." h/s
on 3.5x8" window cvr. E $20
AX-69. APO 501, 1942, VG 4-bar; "Examined By Theatre Censor"
boxed h/s on air cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
AX-70. Boston/Back Bay Sta., MA, 1910, G duplex (edge tears R)
"Fee Claimed at Washington, DC" G+ DCDS; 5x 2c Wash.paying
special del.rate on 2c PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AX-71. Topeka, KS, 1938 (May 19), VF Univ.; "Flight Delayed
on Account of Storm" h/s; 20th Anniv.of Air Mail cachet on
cvr w/PM's signature. E $24 MIN.12
AX-72. Marysville, OH, 1899, partial CDS/cork (bit ruff slit R)
"Forward all mail for The Columbus Phaeton Co. to Norwich,
Conn." h/s on PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AX-73. Cleveland Circuit RPO, 1909, G+ CL-1-a1; "Forwarded
from Cleveland, Ohio./Poatage Paid." h/s; "Held For
Postage" h/s on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-74. New York/Sta.J, NY, 1909, G+ Int'l; "Forwarded from
Mayaguez, P.R." h/s on PPC fwd to San Juan. E $20
AX-75. Syracuse, NY, 1995, G+ machine; "Found in supposedly/empty
equipment" TINY 23x6mm 2-line h/s on 5.25x7" cvr. E
$15 MIN.8
AX-76. St.Louis, MO, 1939, VG DCDS (bit ruff T) "Found in
ordinary mail" h/s on reg'd #10 cvr to Webster Groves, MO.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-77. New York/G.C.Anx, NY, 1932, G+ double-oval as origin b/s
(heavy crs; trim R) "Found in ordinary mail" h/s on
reg'd #10 cvr to Trenton, NJ. E $15 MIN.8
AX-78. New York/Sta.G-1, NY, 1930, G+ Int'l; "Found in Package
Box Collection" h/s on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-79. New York/Sta.J, NY, 1939, VG Int'l (lite tone) "Found
in Package Box Collection" h/s on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-80. "Found in Supposedly Empty Equipment at Seattle, Washington"
VF h/s ("proof" strike?) on otherwise blank 3x5"
paper. E $12 MIN.6
AX-81. Wayne, PA, [1979], printed permit; "Found in Supposedly
Empty Equipment" h/s on Amer.Legion ad card. E $15 MIN.8
AX-82. Mission Viejo, CA, 1983, G+ meter (bit trim T) o/s by Houston,
TX, machine dated 14 days later; "Found in supposedly empty
equipment" h/s on window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-83. Vallejo, CA, 1974, G+ DCDS/roller (bit trim T) "Found
in supposedly empty equipment" h/s on cvr to Honolulu, HI.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-84. Davenport, IA, 1969, VG machine (bit trim T; slit 3 sides)
"Found in supposedly empty equipment" h/s ("DLY"
partly off) on cvr to Bergenfield, NJ. E $12 MIN.6
AX-85. Los Angeles/Term.Anx, CA, 1963, G DCDS (ruff R) "Found
in Supposedly Empty Equipment" h/s ("OUN" mostly
not struck) w/ms "Notice" dated 16 DAYS after mailed
on certified FRONT ONLY to Van Nuys, CA. E $15 MIN.8
AX-86. San Jose, CA, 1982, G machine; "Found in supposedly
empty equipment" h/s w/TINY 2.5mm letters on window cvr to
San Francisco. E $15 MIN.8
AX-87. San Francisco, CA, 1950, F Int'l; "Found in supposedly
empty mail sacks at San Francisco..." h/s w/separate h/s
date on 2x4" PIECE ONLY (cut into stamp). E $12 MIN.6
AX-88. Lansdale, PA, 1940, G Int'l (lite tone) "Fraudulent/Mail
to this address returned by order of Postmaster Gen'l" h/s
on cvr to Approved Products, Oak Park, IL. E $30
AX-89. Kingston, NY, 1936 (Oct 29), VF Univ.; "Fraudulent/Mail
to this address returned by order of Postmaster Gen'l" &
"Fraudulent/Business of addressee declared fraudulent by
Post Office Dept./New York,N.Y. Nov 19..." h/s; 5c Roosevelt
on cvr to Hospitals Trust Ltd., Dublin, Ireland. SCARCE combination.
E $40
AX-90. Grand Cent.Anx, NY, ca.1936, G+ Int'l (edge tears T; bit
ruff upper R tip; lite tone; no flap) "Fraudulent/Mail to
this address returned by order of Postmaster General/New York,
N.Y. Varick St.Annex"; & "Returned to Writer./Fraudulent./Business
of addressee declared fraudulent by order of Post Office Department"
h/s on cvr to Hospitals Trust Ltd., Dublin, Ireland. SCARCE combination.
E $40
AX-91. Plainview, CO, 1923, G+ 4-bar (tip crs) "From the
Top/Of the World/Corona, Colo/Elev.11660 ft." blue private
circled h/s on PPC. E $15
AX-92. St.Louis, MO, 1902, F StL04-19B/2 World's Fair slogan;
"Gen'l Delivery No.1/Denver, Colo." G+ DCDS; "Out"
dated h/s (lite) on PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AX-93. Chi & N.Clark St. RPO Chi.Ill./2, 1907, VF CH-1-b;
"General Delivery/Adv." dated straight-line h/s at L
on 3x4.25" cvr to New Orleans; "Received by Gen.Del./N.O.P.O."
G+ DCDS as b/s. E $15 MIN.8
AX-94. Rensselaer, NY, ca.1910, partial duplex (crs) "Have
Your Mail Addressed to (the School)" h/s w/last 2 words in
indelible pencil on PPC to Carlisle. E $20
AX-95. Omaha, NE, 1991, VG machine; "Hi, Happy We Found You!/This
Address error was detected by your postal service..." 6-line
message w/USPS logo & smiley face printed on 22x57mm label
on cvr w/NO apparent add.correction. E $15 MIN.8
AX-96. Cascade, CO, 1938, G 4-bar; "Highway Summit/Pikes
Peak" VG private CDS as "origin" at L on PPC. E
$12 MIN.6
AX-97. Cascade, CO, 1946, VG 4-bar; "Highway Summit/Pikes
Peak" VG private CDS as "origin" at L on PPC. E
$12 MIN.6
AX-98. Kokomo, IN, 1945, VG Int'l (edge tear L) "Hospitalized"
h/s struck twice, in black & purple; "Hosp.Directory
Searched"; "No Record/Hosp.Directory" h/s (lined
thru); " 2nd Reine Depot" h/s struck twice (1
lined thru) on air cvr to APO 256 & fwd. E $15 MIN.8
AX-99. New York/Sta.H, NY, 1913, G+ Univ.; "House Run No.(2)/Dec
24 3 P.M." h/s w/ms #, applied at N.Y.City on 3x4.5"
folded Good Housekeeping Xmas card. E $20
AX-100. San Jose/St.James Park Sta., CA, 1982, partial DCDS as
origin b/s; "Illegible Postmark" h/s at lower R &
on back; $3.79 meter on reg'd #10 cvr to Berkeley w/Oakland, CA/Reg'y
Tour 1 VF CDS as transit b/s. E $20
AX-101. Owosso, MI, 1980s, partial meter (year/denomination not
struck; trim L) "Illegible" h/s referring to incomplete
meter; "Returned for Postage" h/s; "Return to Sender...
For Add'l Postage/Postage Due (40)c...Rate (40)c For (1) Oz's
Surface/Rate (90)c For (1) Oz's Air Mail" printed on 2.75x4"
paper, taped over address window on #10 cvr. E $20
AX-102. Salt Lake City, UT, 1936, F Univ. (lite tone; lite crs)
"Insufficient postage for air plane dispatch. Forwarded via
Train." h/s; 6c globe air on 5x6" cvr to ENGLAND (entire
journey by train unlikely). E $40
AX-103. Birmingham, Great Britain, 1968, G+ machine (edge crs)
"Insufficient Postage REPAID for Onward Transmission By Air
Mail" (sic; "P" appears to be missing, not just
"not struck") MISSPELLED boxed h/s (part heavy inked);
5p +4p on #10 cvr to U.S. E $16
AX-104. Suffolk, VA, 1945, G Univ.; "Insufficient postage/Not
in Air Mail" h/s (bit heavy inked) 6c transport on cvr. E
$15 MIN.8
AX-105. London, Great Britain, 1960, G+ machine; "Insufficiently
Prepaid for Transmission By Air" boxed h/s on PPC mailed
w/o stamp to U.S. E $14
AX-106. San Mateo, CA, 1989, G+ 25c meter; "International
Mail Paid at Domestic Rate, Returned for Add'l Postage./Air Mail
Rate 45c Add 20c or Surface Rate 40c Add 15c/cross this out when
remailing" h/s on #10 cvr w/ Qatar. E $20
AX-107. Long Island City, NY, 1942, G+ Int'l (add.part faded by
water tone; trim 3 sides) "It is with deepest regret you
are informed that the addressee hsa died on Active Service."
printed on irreg.30x115mm slip adhered at L; "Return to Sender/Deceased"
h/s on back on cvr to British serviceman on HMS Avenger, fwd to
HMS Mersey & returned 3+ mos.after sent. E $40
AX-108. Indianapolis, IN, 1969, G machine; "Mail Service
Temporarily/Suspended to This Country" h/s; Indiana Univ.Medical
Center cc on cvr to Czechoslovakia, during resistance of Soviet
occupation. E $30
AX-109. (Indistinct town), Great Britain, 1997, G machine; "Mail
Subjected to Water Damage" h/s on air cvr to U.S. E $24 MIN.12
AX-110. Toronto, Canada, 1907, VG Int'l (lite tone; tip crs) "Mis-Sent
to Del Monte." h/s on PPC to Monterey, CA. E $8
AX-111. Hampstead, Great Britain, 1941, VF slogan machine (crs)
"Misdirected (Address Incorrect)/Mar 10 1941/New York, N.Y.-I.S."
h/s on back, 34 days after mailed; "Retour/Rebut" h/s
on obverse on cvr w/no state in address. E $15 MIN.8
AX-112. Danville & Thebes/RPO, 1909, VG duplex (toned) "Missent
and Forwarded From Anna, Ill." h/s on PPC. E $8
AX-113. Freestone, TX, 1908, G 4-bar; "Missent to and Forwarded
from Athens, Texas." h/s on PPC. E $8
AX-114. Treynor, IA, 1911, G+ 4-bar (o/s; tip crs) "Missent
to Henderson, Iowa." h/s on PPC. E $8
AX-115. Washington/Air Mail Field, DC, 1934, F 4-bar; "Missent
to Hot Springs/Nat'l Park, Ark." & "Missent to Stuttgart,
Ark." h/s; 1st Flight cachet on air cvr (CAM #20W29f). E
$15 MIN.8
AX-116. Burnett, CA, 1912, G+ 4-bar; "Missent to Indianapolis,
Ind./Error checked." h/s on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-117. Milford, IL, 1910, G duplex; "Missent to Oakland,
Ill." h/s on PPC to Ashland, IL. E $8
AX-118. Wytheville, VA, 1908, partial duplex; "Missent to
Oakland, Ill." h/s on PPC to Oakwood, IL. E $8
AX-119. (Indistinct RPO origin), 1917, partial duplex (lite tone)
"Missent to Rushville, Nebr" h/s on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-120. Nampa, ID, 1934, F Univ.(ruff R) "Missent to Seattle,
Wash." h/s on PSE. E $8
AX-121. Kearney, NE, 1910, F Amer/A14 (lite tone) "Missent
to Shelton, Neb." h/s on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-122. Durango, CO, 1907, VF Amer/B14; "Missent to Smuggler
Colo" h/s on GPC. SCARCE. E $20
AX-123. Vashon, WA, 1951, G+ DCDS as origin b/s; "Missent
to Tacoma, Wash" h/s, SCARCE to see on reg'd air PSE. E $15
AX-124. Fort Devens, MA, 1946, G+ Int'l; "Missent to..."
h/s w/Hillsboro, NH, G+ duplex on free-franked PPC. E $8
AX-125. Philadelphia, PA, 1907, G+ Amer; "Missent" &
"Greenspring, O" h/s on PPC. E $8
AX-126. Princetown, NY, 1907, partial duplex; "Missent/Berwick,
Pa." h/s on PPC (pictorial fold-out on pix side w/flap gone).
E $8
AX-127. Providence, RI, 1949, F Univ. (tears T) "Missent/Sacandaga"
h/s w/town name in irregular arc; G+ 4-bar as fwd b/s; on cvr.
E $14
AX-128. Trail Ridge, CO, 1939, VG 4-bar; "Mount Evans/Highest
Philatelic Meeting/Aug 18, 1919/Colo" private magenta circled
h/s as "origin" at L (37-54) on cacheted cvr. E $20
AX-129. Santa Ana, CA, 1984, G+ machine; Sunnyvale, CA, "Moved
Left No Address-Return to Sender" slogan machine at lower
L on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-130. Costa Mesa, CA, 1984, F meter; "Moved-Forward Expired"
h/s; Fremont, CA, "Not Deliverable As Addressed/Unable to
Forward/Return to Sender" pointing hand slogan machine at
lower L on #10 cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-131. San Diego, CA, 1907, G+ Amer/B14; "Name not in directory/Direct.Serv.(74)/Central
Sta.No.7/Chicago, Ill.P.O." h/s & other markings on PPC.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-132. Washington, DC, 1989, G+ machine (tiny tear T) "Name
repeated in Directory" h/s above add.; "Directory Service
Given/APO 96215" CDS on flap; APO 96381 G+ repeater machine
as transit b/s; U.S.Senate cc; Alan Cranston signature frank w/6c
stamp adjacent; on #10 cvr to APO San Francisco & returned.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-133. Manchester, TN, 1948, G Univ. (trim L, into message; part
lite tone; L edge bit scuff) "Nixie called off/R 1-2-3...7"
h/s w/all 7 numbers lined thru on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-134. Miami, FL, 1938, G+ Int'l; "No Box on R.F.D.3"
h/s applied at Roanoke, VA, on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-135. Washington/Terminal Sta., DC, 1914, VG Amer/A38; "No
Box Up On Route" h/s on PPC to Plainfield, NJ. E $24 MIN.12
AX-136. Costa Mesa, CA, 1984, VG meter; "No Longer Here"
private h/s struck twice on #10 cvr to "1 Post, San Francisco".
E $15 MIN.8
AX-137. Boonville, MO, 1914, G+ duplex (tip cr) "No response
(9/26) delivery 927" h/s w/ms date on PPC to St.Louis. E
AX-138. Cumberland, MD, 1906, G+ Amer/B14(1) (edge tears; lite
tone; crnr crs) "No Response, No.1" h/s (bit o/s) on
PPC to Cripple Creek, CO. E $15 MIN.8
AX-139. Scunthorpe, Great Britain, 1904, G+ DCDS (tear B) "No
State Named/I.D.-N.Y.P.O." red h/s on PPC to "Richmond".
E $12 MIN.6
AX-140. Denver, CO, 1931, G+ Univ. (pinholes) "No such firm
at Albuquerque, N.Mex." h/s w/"Return to Sender/Unclaimed"
pointing hand on cvr to Cuba, NM, & fwd to Albuquerque. E
AX-141. Costa Mesa, CA, 1984, G+ machine; "No Such Street
in San Francisco, Calif." h/s on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-142. Denver, CO, 1986, VG 4-bar; "Non-Standard Size/Postage
Due 10c" h/s on 8.5x1.75" homemade wrapper to Ft.Collins,
CO. E $15 MIN.8
AX-143. Honolulu, HI, 1908, G+ Amer/B14; "Not at Asylum,
F.M.C." private h/s on PPC to A(sylum for) F(eeble) M(inded)
C(hildren), Lincoln, IL. E $24 MIN.12
AX-144. Asbury Park, NJ, 1903, G Colum. (tip crs) "Not at
Home." h/s applied at Phillipsburg, NJ, on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-145. Jerome, AZ, ca.1912, VG duplex (lite tone; crs) "Not
at..." h/s & ms "not here" on PPC to Hawthorne
Inn, San Diego. E $12 MIN.6
AX-146. Los Angeles, CA, 1934, F Univ. (bit trim T) "Not
Box/Main Office." h/s w/"Advise correspondents of your
correct address." h/s struck twice, applied at Oakland, CA,
main P.O. & directed to Sta.G; on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-147. Andover, CT, 1860s, G+ CDS/cork (tear R; part lite soiled)
"Not called for" ms at T, applied at Carthage, IL, on
cvr. E $20
AX-148. Cooperstown, CA, 1905, G+ CDS/target (o/s) "Not delivered
by carrier for want of time." h/s on PPC to Stockton, CA.
E $20
AX-149. Martinez, CA, 1908, G+ RFD 1/1 (state not struck; ruff
R, well into stamp) "Not delivered for lack of time"
h/s (LITE) applied at San Rafael, CA, on back of cvr w/enc. E
$15 MIN.8
AX-150. (Parana, Argentina), ca.1906, CDS (nearly all of stamp
peeled, removes canx; crnr cr) "Not delivered for want of
time. L.C.M.4." h/s applied at Vallejo, CA, on PPC. E $15
AX-151. Columbus, OH, 1910, G+ Int'l "Not delivered for want
of time." h/s ("IME" mostly obscured on stamp)
on PPC to Circleville, OH. E $15 MIN.8
AX-152. Gloversville, NY, 1944, G Univ.; "Not found and returned
to the writer." h/s applied at Peekskill, NY, on back of
cvr. Unusual phrasing. E $14
AX-153. Los Angeles, CA, 1949, VF Univ. (lite tone; uneven trim
B) "Not in Air Mail Insufficient Postage" h/s; 5c air
on #10 cvr to local address. E $15 MIN.8
AX-154. New York/Gd.Cent.Sta., NY, 1949, G+ Int'l; "Not in
Air Mail Insufficiently Prepaid." h/s (part heavy inked)
3c Prexie on PPC w/ms "Air Mail" at L. E $14
AX-155. Bombay, India, 1940, G+ DCDS (edge tears T) "Not
Opened By Censor" boxed h/s on cvr to U.S. E $15
AX-156. Chi.Ill.Madison St./RPO, 1899, G+ CH-4-g; "Notice./A
Special Delivery Stamp affixed to any article of mail matter is
intended only to secure an immediate delivery or one offer..."
8-line notice printed on 49x92mm slip adhered to back; S.A.Richmond
Co./Laboratory at L (bldg); overall back ad w/illus.human
nerve system (mostly covered by slip); bit faulty 10c special
del.+2x1c on spec.del.cvr. E $100
AX-157. Cedar Rapids, IA, 2010, F sprayer; "Notice: This
correspondence was mailed from an institution of the Iowa Dept.of
Corrections." h/s on #10 cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-158. Greenville, NY, 1911, partial duplex (toned; scuffs T,
barely in message) "Offered For Delivery..." h/s applied
at Schenectady, NY, on PPC. E $20
AX-159. Buffalo, NY, 1978, G+ machine; "Office Services Section/Houston,
TX/Rec'd" F clock-dial DCDS struck below stamp on air cvr
to Postmaster. E $15 MIN.8
AX-160. San Francisco, CA, 1938, VF GGIE slogan #8 (stamp gone;
part ruff slit T; tear T; crs) blue pencil "OK." at
upper R on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-161. San Francisco, CA, 1999, G machine (tape repairs T) "Opened
in Error/Mail Recovery Center/San Francisco, CA 94105-9602"
h/s on #10 cvr to San Mateo, CA; also "Returned to Sender"
pointing hand & "Postage Due (11)c" h/s (both lined
thru when remailed); finally rec'd 2 mos.after mailed. E $20
AX-162. Charlotte Amalie, VI, 1957, VF Int'l; "Out of Business"
struck 3 times & "Returned to Sender..." pointing
hand h/s applied at Eastport, ME, on #10 air cvr w/Maine Maritime
Academy Training Ship cc. E $15 MIN.8
AX-163. Tallahassee, FL, 1931, VF Univ.; "Out of Business"
& "Returned to Sender/Unclaimed" pointing hand h/s
applied at Ocala, FL, on #10 PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AX-164. Gansevoort, NY, 1988, G+ machine (crs) "Paid for
by Carrier/Please Leave in Mailbox" ms pencil note; "Postage
Due (20)c" h/s w/ms rate# on #10 cvr to Queensbury, NY. E
AX-165. Eugene, OR, 1991, VG machine; "Paid On Account"
h/s tying $16.06 Postage Due meter label at R of address on #10
cvr underpaid w/1c M.Mitchell to Oreg.Medical Laboratories. E
AX-166. Indian Hill, CO, 1947, G+ 4-bar (stamp faulty) "Park
of Red Rocks/Red Rocks Pueblo in Colorado" private double-circle
h/s as "origin" at L on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-167. Mount Morrison, CO, 1938, G duplex; "Park of Red
Rocks/Red/Rocks/Pueblo/In/Colorado" private double-circle
h/s as "origin" at L on PPC. E $20
AX-168. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1916, G+ CDS; "Part of a Mail
Captured by the Germans and Delayed." printed on 17x60mm
adhesive label, partly covering pair 5o stamps on PPC to England:
" wishes for a happy Christmas & new year. The
best would be I think that this dreadful war soon came to an end..."
E $200
AX-169. Vallejo, CA, 1958, F Univ.; "Pay Mailman 4c/Thank
You" ms pen note; "Postage Due, 4 Cents" h/s; pair
2c dues on #10 cvr to local address. E $20
AX-170. Larchmont, NY, 1944, F Int'l; "Pd by Your Postman.02c
due him." bold pencil note at R w/date & initials; "Postage
Due, 2 Cents" h/s w/2c due stamp tied by mute ovals; 2x 3c
origin postage on air cvr to San Francisco. E $20
AX-171. Hector, MN, 1965, G+ machine; "Please leave money
in mailbox" pencil ms; "Postage Due 5 Cents" h/s;
Los Angeles, CA, 5c due meter label on cvr. E $20
AX-172. Cleveland Circuit RPO, 1909, G+ CL-1-b; oddly worded "Please
request your correspondents to give your department address &
avoid danger of your mail being lost." blue-green h/s, o/s
by "Returned to Writer... Schenectady, N.Y." large pointing
hand h/s; 2c Lincoln on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
AX-173. Mittineague, MA, ca.1906, G duplex (ruff R; edge tears
& wear; crs; stamps faulty) "Post Office, Cincinnati,
Ohio./This is the piece of mail for which you sent stamps./Elias
R.Monfort,P.M." magenta h/s on back; 4c Grant origin postage
on 4x7" cvr to Cincinnati & fwd w/2c Sc.319 +pair 1c
Sc.300. E $20
AX-174. (Alton, IA), (no canx) "Postage Appears To Have Been
Paid" h/s struck 4 times around add. on cvr to Spencer, IA.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-175. Pittsburgh/Ramp H.F.P., PA, 1992, G+ DCDS; "Postage
Appears/To Have Been Paid" h/s ("To Have" partial)
on cvr. E $14
AX-176. Pittsburgh/Ramp H.F.P., PA, 1991, F+ DCDS; "Postage
Appears/To Have Been Paid" printed on 23x41mm yellow adhesive
label, tied by canx on #10 cvr. E $16
AX-177. South Bend, IN, 1989, partial DCDS/roller (L edge taped)
"Postage Confirmed" h/s; pair 25c Montana on 4x6.5"
corrugated cardboard cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-178. Napa, CA, 1953, G+ Int'l; "Postage Due (1) Cents";
"No Such Street"; & "First Class" h/s;
2c Prexie origin postage on cvr to Santa Rosa, CA, & returned;
bit faulty 1c due stamp applied at B. E $20
AX-179. Espanola, NM, 1955, G+ Univ. (tear T, in dial; cr) "Postage
Due (2) Cents/Forwarding postage guraranteed by addressee."
boxed h/s; faulty 2c Jeff.origin on 5x6.25" unsealed cvr
to local add. & fwd; w/2c due stamp (not tied). E $15 MIN.8
AX-180. Portland, ME, [1998], partial machine, inverted at lower
L; "Postage Due (23)c" h/s w/ms rate on #10 cvr mailed
w/2x 32c flags, 1 covered by tape; ms "This stamp Void"
& arrow by that stamp; 23c computer label at L. E $14
AX-181. (South San Francisco), CA, ca.1930s?, (no origin canx)
"Postage Due (3)/Penalty (3)/Total (6)/Rated at Sta. (Rincon)
San Francisco, Calif." h/s w/ms amounts & station; Swift
& on unsealed window cvr apparently put into mail w/o
stamp or contents. E $20
AX-182. (Indistinct town), South Africa, 1986, partial machine;
"Postage Due (58)/NYB & FMC 07097 Tour 11" h/s w/ms
rate on 4.25x8.75" cvr to Reading, MA. E $15 MIN.8
AX-183. Hot Springs/Albert Pike Sta., AR, 1986, G+ DCDS as recd
at L (no origin canx) "Postage Due (61)c/NYB & FMC 07097
Tour 11" h/s w/ms rate; yellow adhesive "Claim Check"
from Form 3849-A adhered at R, partly covering 1k Czechoslovakia
on PPC. E $15
AX-184. Revenue Protection Unit/Portland, OR, 1987, G+ boxed h/s
tying 22c flag (bit trim B); "Postage Due 34c/.61."
h/s (w/line thru "61") on window cvr. E $30
AX-185. Nassau, Bahamas, 1961, F CDS/mute ovals; "Postage
Due 6 Cents/Foreign Sec., G.P.O. N.Y." h/s (o/s) 3c Liberty
+1c Wash.attempted as postage on PPC to U.S. E $14
AX-186. Heidelburg, Germany, 1956, G+ DCDS (tears T) "Postage
Due(7) Cents/(Rated at Air Mail Field,/Chicago, Ill." h/s
w/ms #; 5c +2c dues on air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-187. San Rafael, CA, 1977, G 4-bar (stamp gone; part ruff B)
"Postage Evidently Affixed" printed on yellow adhesive
label on irreg.4x6.75" cvr, adapted for use as wrapper (now
opened & flat). E $20
AX-188. (Tacoma, WA), 1990s?, (no origin canx) "Postage OK
at Tacoma, WA" h/s on cvr. E $14
AX-189. Portland, OR, 1987, G+ machine; "Postage OKEY"
(sic) h/s (bit stutter); 7x 3c commems +1.25c on #10 cvr to Boise,
ID. E $20
AX-190. Chicago, IL, 1958, F DCDS (stamp gone; water toned; soiled)
"Postage Paid/Nixie Secti(on)/Chi(cago, Ill)" partial
h/s at upper R; "Rec'd in Bad Condition at/Chicago, Ill.P.O./N.S.M.D.No.31"
h/s on back on cvr. E $20
AX-191. New York/Mad.Sq.Sta., NY, 1952, G+ duplex & partial
Int'l (stamp gone; lite tone; crs) "Postage Stamp Detached
By Cancelling Machine" h/s on #10 cvr to local add. E $20
AX-192. (Charleston, SC), 1970s?, (no origin canx; part water
tone) "Postage Stamp Detached By Cancelling Machine"
h/s on PPC. E $15
AX-193. Fort Lauderdale, FL, 1968, G+ machine (stamp gone; bit
lite tone) "Postage Verified at Ft.Lauderdale, Fla."
h/s on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-194. Harrisburg, PA, 1990, G+ 4-bar (bit ruff slit T) "Postage
Verified at Harrisburg Pa" h/s on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-195. Parkersburg, WV, 1985, G+ machine; "Postage Verified
at Parkersburg, W.Va." h/s struck on big gap in killer where
stamps removed; on #10 cvr. E $14
AX-196. Franklin Center, PA, 1974, VG 2c PB meter, uprating to
8c rate & serving as "origin marking"; "Postage
Verified at Phila, Pa." h/s & Philadelphia VG DCDS as
transit (both seemingly unnecessary) on 6c GPC. E $20
AX-197. Philadelphia, PA, 1969, G DCDS/roller (stamp gone; crs;
slit 3 sides) "Postage Verified at Philadelphia, Pa."
h/s on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-198. West Palm Beach, FL, 1980, partial DCDS/roller (crs) "Postage
Verified at West Palm Beach, Fl" h/s; faulty 15c D.Madison
on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-199. Colorado Springs, CO, 1984, G DCDS (trim L; crs) "Postage
Verified" h/s by faulty 20c stamp, partly taped on cvr. E
$12 MIN.6
AX-200. Greensboro, NC, 1987, G+ machine (stamp gone; bit trim
T) "Postage Verified" h/s struck 3 times on cvr. E $15
AX-201. (North Canton, OH), 1990s?, (no origin canx) "Postage
Verified." h/s on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-202. Beatrice, NE, 1927, G+ Univ.(edge tear T) "Rec'd
For Trial From Kansas City, Mo." boxed h/s on cvr TO KC,
MO. Unusual application. E $20
AX-203. Tuskegee Institute, AL, 1948, G+ Univ.; "Rec'd without
Contents at" & "Culver City, Calif." h/s w/ms
" & Unsealed" on 3c Carver 1st day cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-204. Oakland/Sixteenth Sta., CA, 1926, G+ duplex; "Recd
by Train" blue pencil note; "Postage Due (4) Cents"
h/s below, LINED THRU; 8c air Sc.C5 +2x 2c on cvr. RARE circumstances
for negating due marking: air service not provided. E $40 MIN.20
AX-205. (San Antonio, TX), ca.1950s, (no origin canx; tip cr)
"Received at Austin, Texas/Without Postmark" h/s (part
heavy inked) partial CDS tying 3c Prexie on PPC. E $14
AX-206. Chicago, IL, 1927, VF Univ.; "Received at Chicago,
Ill./too late for air dispatch/Forwarded by train." h/s;
10c Lindbergh air on cvr. E $20
AX-207. San Francisco, CA, 1928, F duplex (crs; edge tears) "Received
at San Francisco, Calif, too late for air dispatch. Forwarded
by train" h/s; 2x 10c map air on FRONT ONLY to Ocean Park,
CA. E $15 MIN.8
AX-208. Saint Louis, MO, 1927, F duplex; "Received at St.Louis
Missouri too late for Air Dispatch/Forwarded by train" h/s
("DISPAT" not struck); 10c map air on cvr. E $20
AX-209. Tacoma, WA, 1909, G+ Int'l; "Received at Tacoma,
Wash./without contents." misapplied h/s on PPC w/2 overlapped
strikes of "Circulars." h/s. Odd combo. E $24 MIN.12
AX-210. Bakersfield, CA, 1944, G duplex (full vert.tape repair;
tears; crs; lite tone) "Received in Damaged Condition"
h/s ("ION" off R edge) applied at Wethersfield, CT,
on #10 PSE. E $15 MIN.8
AX-211. Santa Rosa, CA, 1984, F machine (tape repairs T; bit uneven
trim T) "Received in damaged condition" & "Station
'A'/11550 Steiner Street/San Francisco,CA 94115-9991" h/s
on window cvr. E $20
AX-212. Detroit, MI, 1927, VG duplex (ruff L) "Received too
late for Air Mail. Dispatched by Train to save delay." h/s
struck twice; Hotel Huntington cc; 10c map air on cvr. E $24
AX-213. Newry, SC, 1899, F CDS/cork; "Received Unsealed/Richmond,
Va.Station A." h/s struck at L & on back; publisher's
16-line text ad at T on cvr. E $14
AX-214. Metamora, MI, 1918, G duplex; "Returend to Sender/At
the request of War Department/Addressee left this point before
receipt" h/s; Battle Creek/Custer Br.G+ duplex as transit
b/s on cvr w/long soldier. E $20
AX-215. Springfield, OH, 1945, G+ Univ. (lite tone; crs) "Return
for 6c/Rate 6c per 1/2 oz." h/s; 4x 3c Win the War on air
cvr. E $16
AX-216. Eugene, OR, 1984, G+ machine; "Return for Add'l Postage/40c
airmail 1/2 oz./30c surface 1 oz./47c surface 2 ozs." h/s;
20c flag on cvr to West Germany; not remailed. E $15 MIN.8
AX-217. Des Moines, IA, 1990, F machine; "Return For Additional
Postage/Canada Rate 30c 1st oz./Each Add'l Oz.22c" h/s; 25c
flag on #10 cvr to Canada. E $20
AX-218. (Poland, OH), ca.1999, (no origin canx; tear L; bit cr;
part ruff slit T) "Return for Postage. Stamp Void If Coated,
Covered or Damaged" h/s w/red "X" thru & "OK"
written below; red checkmark by 33c Sc.U642 CUTOUT, apparently
deemed to be "damaged"; 33c flag (subsequently?) applied
at L on #10 PSE Sc.U642. Interesting application & usage.
E $16
AX-219. (Burgettstown, PA), (origin & date unknown) "Return
for Postage/Remove Label When Remailing" printed on 89x24mm
yellow adhesive label on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-220. (Washington, PA), (origin & date unknown) "Return
for Postage/Remove Label When Remailing" printed on 82x24mm
yellow adhesive label on #10 cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-221. San Francisco, CA, 1976, G 4-bar; "Return Receipt
Desired/Deliver to Addressee in Person" bit spotty h/s x2
on address side; 1 on back; on reg'd #10 PSE to Foster City &
fwd. E $20
AX-222. (Nashville), TN, [1990], (no origin canx; no flap; tear
T) "Return to Addressee For Postage. (Pac)kage And/Or Envelope
Opened." pointing hand h/s on adhesive label, applied at
Lansing, MI; 21c RR Mail Car presort on 4.75x8.5" cvr from
"Lifeguard" auto warranty co.w/"Not accepted Return
to Sender" written twice by addressee, but returned to him
because he opened env. E $30
AX-223. (Avella, PA), ca.2010, (no origin canx) "Return to
Sender/Additional (20c) Postage Due For Non Machinable Surcharge"
printed on 89x24mm yellow adhesive label; faulty 44c on 5.25x5.25"
cvr. E $14
AX-224. Costa Mesa, CA, 1984, F meter (nick T) ms "Return
to sender/deceased" applied at San Francisco, CA, on #10
cvr to employee at accounting firm; misrouted thru Ft.Wayne, IN,
on return trip. E $15 MIN.8
AX-225. San Francisco, CA, 1955, G+ meter; "Return to Sender/Deleted
from Distribution list/PCC San Francisco, California" h/s
on #10 window cvr. E $20
AX-226. Costa Mesa, CA, 1987, VG 22c meter; "Return to Sender/Fee
Due.30" & addressee's forwarding add.printed on yellow
adhesive label, applied at Fresno, CA, on #10 cvr w/enc. E $20
AX-227. Detroit, MI, 1960, G+ Int'l (crs) "Return to Sender/First
Flight AM-94 Canceled/Service Postponed INDEFINATELY/S.J.Bertuzzi,
P.M./Oneonta, New York" MISSPELLED h/s on #10 cvr. E $20
AX-228. Miami, FL, 1981, G+ machine; "Return to Sender/Mail
Service Temporarily Suspended" h/s on cvr to Canada w/enc.
E $12 MIN.6
AX-229. (Greensboro), NC, ca.1987, VG Blk.Rt.precanx; "Return
to Sender/Pstage Due=.22" (sic) & addressee's forwarding
add.printed on yellow adhesive label; 8.3c ambulance on PC to
local address. E $20
AX-230. San Francisco, CA, 1981, VG machine; "Return to Sender/Service
Suspended" boxed h/s on #10 cvr to Canada. E $12 MIN.6
AX-231. New York/Grand Cent.Anx, NY, 1940, VG Int'l (tear T) "Return
to Sender/Service Suspended" h/s; "Retour a l'Envoyeur/Acheminement
Suspened" boxed h/s (x2); censor tape L; 5c Whitman on cvr
to France w/black marks on add.; returned 9+ mos.after mailed.
E $24 MIN.12
AX-232. USPS, CA, 1975, VG machine; "Return to Sender/Service
Temporarily Suspended" boxed h/s on cvr to Canada. E $15
AX-233. Somerville, NJ, 1974, VF machine; "Return to Sender/Service
Temporarily Suspended" printed on 30x69mm paper, taped over
address area on PPC to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
AX-234. USPS, CA, 1974, G machine; "Return to Sender/Service
to Canada Temporarily Suspended" h/s on cvr w/ Canada.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-235. Boston, MA, 1981, G machine; "Return to Sender/Services
Temporarily Suspended" h/s on #10 cvr to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
AX-236. USPS, NV, 1974, G+ machine; "Returned Due To Service
Interruption in Canada" h/s on #10 cvr to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
AX-237. Lansing, MI, 1989, VF machine; "Returned for $.05/Total
Postage Required $.30" h/s; 25c flag on cvr to Canada; not
remailed. E $15 MIN.8
AX-238. Santa Barbara, CA, 1974, G 4-bar; "Returned for (10c)
postage. When remailing cross out this notice or paste stamps
over it." h/s w/ms rate, partly tying 3c Key on air cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-239. Tacoma, WA, 1989, G+ machine; "Returned For 5c Additional
Postage. When Remilaing Cross Out This Notice or Paste Stamps
Over It. Canada Rate" h/s on 25c PSE to Canada. E $20
AX-240. USPS, NY, 1974, G machine (tear T, thru dial) "Returned
for Add'l (22) Cents Postage, Air Mail Rate to This Country (26)
Cents Per 1/2 Oz.Must Be Fully Prepaid" h/s w/ms rates; 30c
origin postage; 20c +2c added on 4.75x7.75" air cvr to England.
E $20
AX-241. Burlington, MA, 1989, VG 25c meter (bit trim T) "Returned
For Add'l Postage/Due (15) Surface Rate/Due (65) Airmail Rate"
h/s w/ms rates; Pan Am Airways cc on #10 window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-242. San Francisco, CA, 1951, G+ Int'l (trim L) "Returned
for add'l postage/Postage due (10c)/Total postage required (25c)/Rate
per each 1/2 ounce (25c)" h/s w/ms rates; pair 10c Pan Am
air +5c Prexie on cvr to Australia; not remailed. E $15 MIN.8
AX-243. Chico, CA, 1952, G duplex; "Returned for add'l postage/Postage
due (13)/Total postage required (25)/Rate per each 1/2 ounce (25)"
h/s w/ms rates; pair 6c airs on cvr to India; not remailed. E
$15 MIN.8
AX-244. New York, NY, 1986, G+ machine; "Returned for Additional
Postage/Foreign Mail Must Be Prepaid" h/s; WMCA Radio 57
cc; 44c meter on #10 cvr to England. E $20
AX-245. Huntington, WV, 1986, G machine (bit trim B) "Returned
For Postage Due (44)c/Total Postage Required (88)c/Rate (44)c
Per 1/2 Ounce./Place Stamp Over This Label." printed on yellow
adhesive label; 44c added, but label not covered; on #10 cvr to
England. E $20
AX-246. Mailed TO: Washington, PA, (origin & date unknown;
upper R crnr ruff slit) "Returned for Postage" h/s,
adjacent to "No Postage Necessary..." printed clause
on #10 bus.reply cvr. Curious application of common auxiliary
type. E $20
AX-247. Randolph Field, TX, 1944, VF Int'l (bit uneven trim T;
tiny tear T; lite gum tone) "Returned for Postage" h/s;
soldier's ms "Free" frank (maybe not applied until returned?)
on cvr. E $20
AX-248. (San Mateo), CA, [1987], (no origin canx) "Returned
for Postage. When Re-Mailing Cross Out This Notice or Paste Stamp
Over It." printed on yellow adhesive label at upper R on
cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-249. Santa Ana, CA, 1988, VF machine; "Returned for Postage/Place
Stamp Over Fist" h/s w/integrated "Returned to Sender"
pointing hand; Orange County Mining Co./Whiskey & Grub ad
cc on #10 window cvr w/22c flag neatly placed on hand & part
of top line when remailed. E $24
AX-250. New York, NY, 1897, VG Amer/B14(6); "Returned from
St.Paul Minn./No such Office in State named" h/s on PSE to
"W.Paris, Wis." E $12 MIN.6
AX-251. (Indistinct RPO origin canx), ca.1908, partial duplex
(lite tone) "Returned to Post Office by Carrier No.../Lack
of Time to Deliver." h/s on PPC to Salinas, CA. E $15 MIN.8
AX-252. San Francisco, CA, 1951, G Int'l (struck HI) "Returned
to Sender By Brooklyn, N.Y.P.O./date/Undeliverable As Addressed/Do
Not Post Again in This Envelope or Wrapper" h/s on cvr. E
$15 MIN.8
AX-253. (Lincoln), NE, ca.1990s?, (no stamp or origin canx) "Returned
to Sender For Postage/Sender: Remove Label, Affix Postage, &
Remail." w/pointing hand printed on adhesive label, covering
add. on cvr; not remailed. E $15 MIN.8
AX-254. (Washington, PA), (date unknown), "Returned to Sender
From Pittsburgh, Pa 15290/Rec'd W/O Address" & "Returned
for Postage" h/s on #10 cvr w/college cc, intended for internal
delivery to "Dr.Mitchell". E $14
AX-255. (Washington, PA), (date unknown), "Returned to Sender
From Pittsburgh, Pa./No State or Country Named" & "Returned
for Postage" h/s on #10 cvr w/college cc, intended for internal
delivery to Admissions Office. E $14
AX-256. Omaha, NE, 1997, G machine, covered by "Returned
to Sender... No Such Number..." 25x76mm adhesive label; THEN
"Notify Sender of New Address..." yellow adhesive label,
referring to SENDER's change of address from Omaha to APO 96266,
4 DAYS after mailed; on cvr to local address. RARE & UNUSUAL
usage/circumstances. E $30
AX-257. Lansing, MI, 1990, G 4-bar (staple holes L) "Returned
to Sender/Non-Mailable Due to Size" pointing hand h/s on
4.25x4.75" 2-panel folded homemade Easter Party invitation.
E $20
AX-258. Las Vegas, NY, 1985, F machine; "Returned to Sender/Out
of Business/Brewster, NY..." pointing hand h/s on #10 cvr.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-259. Stanford, CA, 1974, VG meter (few tone specks) "Returned
to Sender/Service Suspended." h/s on #10 cvr to Canada. E
$15 MIN.8
AX-260. Dunkirk, NY, 1941 (Nov 26), VF Univ.; "Returned to
Sender/Service Suspended." h/s at L & on back on 4.5x5.25"
cvr to Philippines. E $24 MIN.12
AX-261. Philadelphia, PA, 1942 (Jan 5), G+ Int'l; "Returned
to Sender/Service Suspended." h/s; War Dept./Phila.Signal
Corps cc on #10 penalty cvr to Philippines. Sender should have
known. E $30 MIN.15
AX-262. Pocatello, ID, 1918, G+ Amer/B14(1) (tears T; lite tone;
edge wear) "Returned to writer/No such office in state named/N.S.,
No.3 M.D." h/s, apparently applied at Chicago on PSE to "Albion,
AL," w/4 Chicago b/s. E $14
AX-263. Richmond, IL, 1898, G+ CDS (heavy; cr; edge tears) "Returned
to Writer/Not Known/Around the world letters prohibited pr P.L.
& R." ms at lower L; 4c Colum +bit faulty 1c Colum +1c
Trans Miss +6c Garfield +1c Franklin on reg'd 5c #10 Colum PSE
w/reg'y label Sc.FX-NY1a(ii) to Germany, fwd to Philippines (Mil.Sta.#1,
Philippine Isls G+ DCDS as b/s; several more markings). E $100
AX-264. Philadelphia, PA, 1975, G+ machine; "Returned to
Writer/Temporary Embargo" h/s on air cvr to Canada. E $15
AX-265. Toledo, OH, 1968, G+ machine (o/s) "Returned to Writer/Unclaimed-Clerk
#1/Do not use this envelope or wrapper again." pointing hand
h/s on window cvr w/ local address. E $15 MIN.8
AX-266. USPS, MI, 1974, G+ machine; "Returned/Service Temp.
Suspended/Embargo" h/s on #10 cvr to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
AX-267. (Chattanooga), TN, [1937], partial Univ. (dial not struck)
"Rock City/Atop/Lookout Mt." private circled h/s on
PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-268. Paris, France, 1961, G+ meter (tears T) "San Bruno,
Calif./Notified" G+ CDS on reg'd air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-269. Santa Cruz, CA, 1927, F Univ. (edge tear R) "Santa
Cruz/Big Trees/California" private purple circled h/s as
"origin" at B on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-270. Denver, CO, [1987], partial 4-bar tying 2x 22c (bit uneven
trim B) "Sealed Against Inspection. Subject to 1st Class
Rate/Postage Due (46)" h/s ("SUBJECT" mostly not
struck) w/ms rate on window cvr. E $20
AX-271. Genoa, Italy, 1965, G+ DCDS; "Second Notice. No Reply
To First Notice Mailed (7/16/65)" h/s w/ms date on #10 reg'd
air cvr to Seattle. E $15 MIN.8
AX-272. Chicago, IL, 1950, VG 33c meter (part ruff T) tied by
mute ovals on back; "See Reverse Side for Postage and Other
Charges" boxed h/s at upper R on reg'd #10 cvr w/Tulsa, OK
VG DCDS as rec'd b/s. E $15 MIN.8
AX-273. APO 649, 1943, VG 4-bar (trim T, removes much of sender's
name) "Sender Accidentally Killed" ms note below stamp,
dated 7 mos.after mailing; "Verified/B.P.O., HQ., SOS, ETOUSA"
h/s & several more markings on air cvr to woman in Macon,
GA; returned "Unclaimed". E $30 MIN.15
AX-274. Mexico City, Mexico, 1928, G+ DCDS (lite tone) "Sent
by rail from San Antonio, Texas, to avoid dely" h/s struck
twice (bit o/s) on air cvr to Los Angeles. E $20
AX-275. Evanston, IL, 1935, VG Univ.; "Sent to Quarantine"
h/s on cvr to passenger on S.S.Normandie. E $30
AX-276. New York/Church St.Sta., NY, 1942 (Jan 21), VG Int'l;
"Service Suspended/Return to Sender" h/s; 3c +2c Prexies
on cvr to France. E $24 MIN.12
AX-277. Miami, FL, 1968, partial machine; "Service Temporarily
Discontinued" crude h/s, w/"Return to Sender."
h/s above on #10 air cvr to Canada. E $20
AX-278. Stanford, CA, 1968, G+ meter; "Service Temporarily
Suspended/Return to Sender" h/s on #10 cvr w/ Canada.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-279. USPS, WA, 1975, F machine (part lite tone) "Service
Temporarily/Suspended/Return to Sender" h/s ("RILY"
partly off R edge) on 3.5x4.5" cvr to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
AX-280. USPS, WA, 1975, G+ machine; "Service Temporarily/Suspended/Return
to Sender" h/s; "Lightbearers" cc on cvr to Canada.
E $15 MIN.8
AX-281. Sacramento, CA, 1981, VG machine; "Service Temporarily/Suspended/Return
to Sender" & "Returned to Sender" pointing
hand h/s on 12c US Domestic Rate non-denominated GPC to Canada.
E $20
AX-282. (San Mateo), CA, [1991], (no origin canx) "Short
Paid (Express Mail)/Postage Due (3.25)c" h/s w/ms rate; "U.S.Postal
Service/Official Business/Your Express Mail Customer Receipt"
logo cc on 4.75x9" penalty window cvr; enc.receipt w/SAME
auxiliary h/s. E $65
AX-283. Detroit, MI, 1902, F duplex (lite tone) "Special
Delivery Attempted." & "Place of Address closed."
h/s at L; "Received in Special Delivery Dept., 8.36;/A.M.,
Standard Time." h/s w/ms pencil "P" on "AM"
as b/s; Michigan Lubricator header on special del.cvr to
Globe Brass Works, Detroit. E $40
AX-284. Cleveland/Univ.Center Sta., OH, 1939, G+ duplex (uneven
water toned; edge tears T) "Special Delivery, Fee paid 10
cents" h/s on special del.cvr to Vermilion, OH. E $15 MIN.8
AX-285. Council Bluffs, IA, 1929, G duplex (ruff slit R; edge
tear T; crs) "Special Delivery/Fee Paid... Cents" h/s
w/no amount filled in; 8c +2c paying special del.rate on 2c PSE
w/ Chicago. E $20
AX-286. Bridgeport, CT, 1907, G+ duplex; "Steeplechase Island/B'port
Conn." circled h/s as "origin" at L on PPC. E $20
AX-287. Golden, CO, 1950, G Int'l; "Summit of Pike's Peak/Elevation
14,110 Ft." VG CDS as "origin" at L on PPC. E $12
AX-288. Lansing, MI, 1949, G+ Univ.; "Take Out/G.D.No.8"
G+ DCDS applied at Seattle, WA, on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-289. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2001, VG CDS (bit lite tone) "Taxe
Percu" h/s w/ms "2.19" rate on #10 bus.reply cvr
to Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA. E $15
AX-290. "Received in Kalamazoo (MI), [1908], VF purple straight-line
h/s tying 2c Sc.319 (trim R) "The letter carrier is requested
to obtain this envelope from addressee and learn at what office
it was mailed" h/s; Scott Stamp & Coin Co., New York
cc on cvr. E $20
AX-291. Washington, DC, 1946, G+ duplex; "This article originally
mailed in country indicated by postage" h/s; Foreign Service
of the USA printed cc; "Office of the Military Attache/Amer.Embassy
to the Netherlands/The Hague" h/s below; 12.5c Neth. on #10
cvr. E $20
AX-292. Grand Rapids, MI, 1909, G Int'l (crs) "This is the
Article for which you sent postage." h/s on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-293. Indianapolis, IN, 1913, G+ duplex; "This is the mail
for which you sent postage" h/s on 2.5x6.5" "Mailing
Card" PPC, mailed w/1c but add'l 1c required for message
on add.side, per instructions. E $15 MIN.8
AX-294. Evanston, IL, 1907, G+ Time-Cmns (lite tone) "This
letter was held at the Evanston, Illinois, Post Office as 'short
paid'..." 6-line h/s w/TINY letters on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-295. Washington, DC, 1906, G+ duplex (lite tone) "This
letter was mailed without postage and now forwarded on receipt
of stamp." boxed h/s on PPC. E $14
AX-296. Huron, SD, 1960, F Univ.; "This Mail Started From
Huron, South Dakota by Pony Express" private h/s at L; 4c
Pony Express commem (partly off R edge) on PPC to Faulkton, SD.
E $15
AX-297. Beverly Hills, CA, 1945, F Int'l (tears, 1 in dial; crs)
"This type of envelope for Air Mail only" & "Returned
for Additional Postage" h/w on #10 cvr w/air mail border;
3c Win origin postage, then pair 3c applied & remailed. E
AX-298. (Gilford, NH), ca.1906?, (no origin canx) "To avoid
delay in delivery, have your mail addressed (with postage)"
blue h/s w/add'l 2 words written at end, applied at Waltham, MA;
ms "Due 1c"; 1c due stamp tied by circle h/s; on PPC.
Interesting adaptation of common aux.type. E $20
AX-299. APO 803, 1942, G+ Univ.; "To the Postmaster/If the
Addressee is Deceased or the Letter Cannot Be Delivered As Addressed...
It Should Be Returned... Immediately..." green boxed h/s
on air cvr to Enosburg (VA) Nat'l BANK. E $20
AX-300. Paris, TN, 1938, F Univ.; "Tomorrow's Mail Today/Paris,
Tenn." h/s (bit o/s) on air cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-301. Arrow, CO, 1911, G+ 4-bar (part on stamp) "Top of
the World/Corona.-Colo./Elevation 11660 Ft." private red
h/s at L on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-302. Siskiyou, OR, 1921, partial 4-bar (edge wear; flap tears)
"Top of World/Mailed From Summit Siskiyou Range/Mt.Shasta
14444 ft.above sea level" double-circle h/s as "origin"
(bit covered by stamp) on 4.25x6.25" "Shasta Route"
9-panel pictorial folder. E $15 MIN.8
AX-303. Jicin, Czechoslovakia, 1949, G+ DCDS (tape R edge &
on back) "Transmitted through Kansas City, Mo/In Registered
Mail/date" h/s on back; "Passed From/U.S.Customs/Kansas
City, Mo." h/s on address side on reg'd air cvr. E $20
AX-304. Cleveland/Sta.B, OH, 1907, G Barry; "Unmailable except/Enclosed
in Envelope" h/s; ms "Unmailable" on glitter PPC
to local add. E $24 MIN.12
AX-305. Louisville, KY, 1907, VF duplex; "Unmailable"
h/s on glitter PPC. E $15 MIN.8
AX-306. Cleveland/Sta.B, OH, 1907, VG Barry; "Unmailable"
h/s on glitter PPC to local add. E $15 MIN.8
AX-307. North Eastham, MA, 1912, G+ duplex; "Unmailable"
h/s (tip of "E" off edge) on glitter PPC. E $12 MIN.6
AX-308. Stamford, CT, ca.1982, G 4-bar (stamp gone; year partial;
upper R crnr toned) "Verification of Stamp/Stamford, CT 06904"
h/s (part o/s) on window cvr. E $12 MIN.6
AX-309. Lincoln, NE, 1981, partial 4-bar (taped tears; part ruff
slit T) "We're Sorry Your Mail Was Damaged./Reconditioned
at Lincoln, Ne" h/s on #10 cvr. E $15 MIN.8
AX-310. Lincoln, NE, 1994, VG machine (several scotch tape repairs;
crs) "We're Sorry your Mail Was Damaged./Reconditioned at
Lincoln, Ne" h/s on 3.75x8" window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
Mail Bid Sale Catalog:
Section 1
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section
States are listed in alphabetical order, followed by:
Advertising (AD)
Airmail/Flights (AM)
Auxiliary (AX)
Expositions (EX)
First Day Covers (FC)
Foreign Destinations (FD)
Literature (LT)
Machines (MC)
Meters (MR)
Military (MY)
Picture Postcards (PC)
Political & Inaugurations (PO)
RPO & Related (inc. corner cards & street cars)(RR)
Seals (SL)
Ships (SS)
Stamps on Cover (ST)
Territories (TR)
World-Wide (WW)
Miscellaneous (MX)